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<br />DRAFT <br />SUMMARY MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING <br />OF THE CHAPEL HILL TOWN COUNCIL <br />WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY <br />OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL <br />WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2004 AT 7:00 P.M. <br />Mayor Kevin Foy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m, <br />Council members present were Sally Greene, Cam Hill, Ld Harrison, Mark Kleinsclunidt, <br />Bill Strom, Dorothy Verkerk, .Jim Ward, and Ldith Wiggins. <br />Staff members present were Town Manager Cal Horton, Deputy Town Manager <br />Florentine Miller, Assistant Town Manager Bruce Heflin, Town Attorney Ralph <br />Karpinos, Senior Long Range Planning Coordinator Clu-is Berndt, Planning Director <br />Roger Waldon, and Town Clerk .Joyce Smith. <br />Item I -Presentation by UNC-CH on Proposed Development <br />of Carolina Nortlr (Horace Williams Property) <br />UNC Vice Chancellor Tony Waldrop gave the initial presentation and stated that the <br />mission for Carolina North was the same as for the University. They will both excel in <br />research, teaching and public service, he said.. Mr. Waldrop explained that UNC intended <br />to foster partnerships among Carolina North, industry, foundations, and State and federal <br />agencies. As a UNC alunnnrs himself, Mr. Waldrop said, he felt it was extremely <br />important that Carolina North reflects the beauty of the main campus. UNC intended to <br />work with the community to enhance the region as a whole, he said.. <br />Mr. Waldrop told Council members that Carolina North would expand the UNC <br />community by providing a place where people would live and work. Its mix of uses <br />would include office and research space, laboratory space, housing, and service retail. <br />Mr. Waldrop stated that the plan was environmentally sensitive, would utilize many <br />modes of transportation, and would be pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly. It was important <br />to begin developing Carolina North now, he said, because UNC was going tluough a <br />massive growth phase and expanding its programs in teaching, research and public <br />engagement. <br />Etta Pisano, a clinician and scientist at UNC, discussed her work in treating women with <br />breast cancer and searching for a cure. The National Institute of Health (NIH), which bad <br />been extremely generous to UNC, bad launched a new "roadmap initiative," which <br />focuses on creating partnerships between industry, universities and researchers, she said. <br />Ms. Pisano told Cowicil members that UNC needed better imaging to support scientists <br />and was starved for research space. She emphasized bow limited her own research <br />program had been by the space she bas. "Frankly, I don't know bow we'll succeed unless <br />we get more research space," Ms. Pisano said,. <br />