Agenda - 05-20-2004-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2004
Agenda - 05-20-2004-4
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8/29/2008 9:08:16 PM
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8/29/2008 10:42:22 AM
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Council Member Kleinschmidt asked where the parking reductions had been made <br />Uetween UNC's prior presentation and this one. Mr. Firstenberg said that it had been <br />reduced from 19,125 to 17,000 spaces, He pointed out that the parking ratio had been 3 <br />to .3-1/2 spaces per 1,000, and was now dropped to 2-1/2 spaces per thousand.. The goal <br />was to drive it down even further, he said. Mr. Firstenberg noted that park and ride was <br />part of the solution, but it must be done in collaboration with the Town. <br />In response to questioning by Council Member Kleinschmidt, Mr. Firstenberg stated that <br />the odds were that parking reductions would come in future phases because that is when <br />the decks will be there. Council Member Kleinschmidt replied that UNC's traffic plan <br />really was the same as it was six months ago and would be the same for the next 10-15 <br />years. Mr. Firstenberg replied that UNC and the Town must work cooperatively to come <br />up with ideas to reduce parking. <br />Council Member Kleinsclunidt, referring to the tluee-partner model for transit that the <br />Town, UNC and Carrboro have, asked Mr'. Firstenberg if he had not been able to come up <br />with a plan using that model. Mr'. Firstenberg replied that if a private developer wanted <br />to do Phase I, there would be 20-.30% more parking than is being shown in UNC's plan, <br />He added that Uy working together, the partners should Ue aUle to achieve park and ride <br />sooner than that. There must Ue discussions about how to enhance bus service <br />immediately and about any other mass transit ideas, Mr Firstenberg said. <br />Council Member Kleinschmidt remarked that Mr. Firstenberg's answer had just <br />underscored how important it was to lmow how much parking was related to this part of <br />the development. Then everyone could understand exactly what the impact of each phase <br />would be, he said.. Council Member Kleinschmidt pointed out that the idea of 17,000 <br />parking spaces still frightened many people, He could not imagine why UNC could not <br />take that number and project the increase in Uus service and how would it Ue funded, he <br />said, Mr. Firstenberg replied that taking parking down to 17,000 spaces was wUat the <br />University felt they could do independently. They have a desire to do Vetter, he said, and <br />he proposed that the Town and University work together to get that number as low as <br />possible. Council Member Kleinschmidt pointed out that there were tools that could help <br />provide some answers. Mr. Firstenberg agreed, adding that he was Uappy to continue <br />looking at them. <br />Council Member Ward noted that the buildings in Phase I, as they are, would violate <br />Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) setback requirements. Mr. Firstenberg agreed to <br />address the airport issue later in the presentation. <br />Council Member Hill determined that the net impact of Phase I would be about 2,100 <br />employees, plus residents, He asked where else in the country something of this <br />magnitude had Ueen done in the middle of a town. Mr. Firstenberg replied that it depends <br />on your definition of "inside a town." There had been much urban redevelopment and <br />"redensifying" around town centers, he said, but it would be difficult to find a situation <br />
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