Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Mr. Faribault provided an historical perspective. <br />"L: 1975, I was employed as a physician's assistant by the late Robert J Murphy. He <br />was a, family practitioner along with his partner; Dr. Black. He was the founder, Dr. <br />Murphy, of the Orange Fanuly Medical Center in Hillsborough, Our patient poprdation <br />reflected the connnuntty at Inge, However, I noticed for the most par°t that Afi•ican- <br />Anrer°icans were sicker° upon seeking car°e tTrar: tJre majority race. Most sought episodic <br />cm°e, for drew conditions. In many cases, tTre medicines prescribed, the patients could not <br />afford. „ <br />Mr. Faribault felt that over time, with increased education and job opportunities, access <br />had improved somewhat, but access to healtlrcaze may remain emergent, episodic, and <br />home remedy-based for far too many African-Americans. He saw a greater role for <br />church and civic groups in being able to disseminate information, offer training, and <br />counsel the community on health life styles. But he finished by posing a serious question <br />for the participants to think about: "Hillsborough was, founded about 17.54, somewhere <br />in that area. For• the past one and one half yem•s, we now have apar°t-time Black <br />physician.. Wlry did it take, fi°om 17.54 until 1001 to have a Black physician? " <br />Orange County was among ten North Cazolina counties to be over-sampled by the Center <br />for Disease Control in their Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey process <br />conducted on a national level. Dr. Summers presented highlights from a PowerPoint <br />presentation available on the Orange County Health web site ( eg <br />Some of the findings that she stressed were: <br />• Minorities in Orange County are less often covered by health insurance <br />• The mortality rate for minorities with cancer is higher in Orange County <br />• Orange County has a low prevalence of diabetes compared to the state <br />• Smoking has more to do with the education or income gap in Orange County than <br />race <br />• More minorities in Orange County reported trying to lose weight to remedy the <br />obesity problem than Whites <br />Dr. Summers cited the actions her department is taking to further explore and address the <br />CDC findings.. These included completion of the community health assessment process <br />underway in cooperation with the Orange County Healthy Carolinians project, improving <br />efforts to recruit and retain African-Americans professionals to the public health practice, <br />and to develop a provider network in the community that could address those persons <br />who don't have insurance, "The challenge 1 would issue to every healthcare provider in <br />this connnunit7r is to jour us in that effort, especially our° colleagzres at the Univer°sity of <br />North Car°olirra in their° physicians and associates group. Without the largest group of <br />physicians in the count7r helping rrs with that process, we will not go far. I think that's the <br />challenge that we have to er:gage with orn conrrrruniry par°brers to make healthcare what <br />it needs to he for all of orn• African-Americm: citizens. " <br />