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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br /> ( Includes Products - Completed Operations If Required By Contract) <br /> This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following : <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> PROVISIONS ( 1 ) Any " bodily injury" , " property damage" or <br /> The following is added to SECTION If — WHO IS AN " personal injury " arising out of the providing , <br /> INSURED : or failure to provide , any professional <br /> Any person or organization that you agree in a architectural , engineering or surveying <br /> written contract or agreement to include as an services , including : <br /> additional insured on this Coverage Part is an (a) The preparing , approving , or failing to <br /> insured , but only : prepare or approve , maps , shop <br /> a . With respect to liability for " bodily injury " or drawings , opinions , reports , surveys , <br /> " property damage" that occurs , or for " personal field orders or change orders , or the <br /> injury" caused by an offense that is committed , preparing , approving , or failing to <br /> subsequent to the signing of that contract or prepare or approve , drawings and <br /> agreement and while that part of the contract or specifications ; and <br /> agreement is in effect; and <br /> (b) Supervisory , inspection , architectural or <br /> b. If, and only to the extent that, such injury or <br /> engineering activities . <br /> damage is caused by acts or omissions of you or <br /> your subcontractor in the performance of "your (2) Any " bodily injury" or "property damage" <br /> work" to which the written contract or agreement caused by " your work" and included in the <br /> applies . Such person or organization does not " products-completed operations hazard " <br /> qualify as an additional insured with respect to unless the written contract or agreement <br /> the independent acts or omissions of such specifically requires you to provide such <br /> person or organization . coverage for that additional insured during <br /> The insurance provided to such additional insured is the policy period . <br /> subject to the following provisions : c. The additional insured must comply with the <br /> a . If the Limits of Insurance of this Coverage Part following duties : <br /> shown in the Declarations exceed the minimum <br /> limits required by the written contract or (1 ) Give us written notice as soon as practicable <br /> agreement, the insurance provided to the of an " occurrence" or an offense which may <br /> additional insured will be limited to such result in a claim . To the extent possible , such <br /> minimum required limits . For the purposes of notice should include : <br /> determining whether this limitation applies , the (a) How, when and where the " occurrence" <br /> minimum limits required by the written contract or or offense took place ; <br /> agreement will be considered to include the <br /> minimum limits of any Umbrella or Excess ( b) The names and addresses of any injured <br /> liability coverage required for the additional persons and witnesses ; and <br /> insured by that written contract or agreement. (c) The nature and location of any injury or <br /> This provision will not increase the limits of <br /> insurance described in Section III — Limits Of damage arising out of the " occurrence" <br /> Insurance , <br /> or offense . <br /> b. The insurance provided to such additional (2) If a claim is made or " suit" is brought against <br /> insured does not apply to : the additional insured : <br /> CIS D2 46 04 19 © 2018 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved . Page 1 of 2 <br />