<br /> OBJECTIVE 3. Provide social safety net programming and the resources needed for
<br /> our most vulnerable community members (e.g., veterans, unhoused people, foster
<br /> children, older adults, etc.).
<br /> Visitors Bureau
<br /> 8. The Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau has received $206,854 in additional
<br /> revenue from the Town of Chapel Hill based on the results of Chapel Hill's FY 2023-24
<br /> audit. As per the Agreement, the Town of Chapel Hill agrees to provide the Visitors Bureau
<br /> with 50% of revenues from hotel/motel occupancy receipts of collections exceeding
<br /> $1,000,000. The Bureau will use the funds to support advertising for upcoming summer
<br /> events in Chapel Hill. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these additional
<br /> funds in the Visitor's Bureau, outside the General Fund.
<br /> ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN: This item supports:
<br /> OBJECTIVE 1. Provide family-oriented and inclusive programming or other cultural
<br /> events for residents and visitors.
<br /> Asset Forfeiture Fund
<br /> 9. The Sheriff's Office has received notice of additional revenue from Asset Forfeiture. The
<br /> Office has received $191,823 in additional Federal Forfeiture Funds, and $15,856 in
<br /> additional interest income. These funds are appropriated in the Forfeiture Fund, outside of
<br /> the General Fund, and amends the following Grant Ordinance:
<br /> Asset Forfeiture Fund($207,679) - Fund 31
<br /> Revenues for this fund:
<br /> Current FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25
<br /> FY 2024-25 Amendment Revised
<br /> Interest on Investments $64,396 $0 $64,396
<br /> Sale of Fixed Assets $13,049 $0 $13,049
<br /> State Forfeiture Funds $170,964 $15,856 $186,820
<br /> Federal Forfeiture Funds $2,207,527 $191,823 $2,399,350
<br /> Total Project Funding $2,455,936 $207,679 $2,663,615
<br /> Appropriated for this fund:
<br /> Current FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25
<br /> FY 2024-25 Amendment Revised
<br /> Expenditures $2,455,936 $207,679 $2,455,936
<br /> Total Costs $2,455,936 $207,679 $2,455,936
<br /> ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN: This item supports:
<br /> OBJECTIVE 5. Invest in, support, train, and retain our community safety, health, and
<br /> emergency services employees and direct care workforce.
<br />