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3 <br /> 1 WHEREAS, Commissioner Richards was integral in the creation of the Climate Action Plan, <br /> 2 the Strategic Plan, and the drafting of the 2050 land use plan, documents that will <br /> 3 provide a guide for future County leaders as they address affordable housing, <br /> 4 economic development, education, and environmental concerns; and <br /> 5 <br /> 6 WHEREAS, Commissioner Richards took special interest in the needs of youth and in social <br /> 7 and racial justice, and advocated for the people of Orange County as a <br /> 8 representative to NACo (National Association of County Commissioners); and <br /> 9 <br /> 10 WHEREAS, Commissioner Richards shared her talent for leadership and public service <br /> 11 through her work on numerous boards and commissions, including the Alcoholic <br /> 12 Beverage Control Board, Burlington Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization <br /> 13 Transportation Advisory Committee, Jordan Lake One Water Coalition, County <br /> 14 Behavioral Health Task Force, Orange County Partnership for Young Children <br /> 15 Board of Directors, Visitors Bureau Advisory Board, Family Success Alliance <br /> 16 Advisory Council, Justice Advisory Council, Chamber for a Greater Chapel Hill- <br /> 17 Carrboro Board of Directors, Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization <br /> 18 (TARPO) Transportation Advisory Committee, Intergovernmental Parks Work <br /> 19 Group, Legislative Issues Work Group, and the Strategic Communications Work <br /> 20 Group, among others; and <br /> 21 <br /> 22 WHEREAS, Commissioner Richards was recognized by The Chamber for a Greater Chapel <br /> 23 Hill-Carrboro with its 2023 Public-Private Partnership Award; <br /> 24 <br /> 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> 26 officially commends Anna Richards for her hard work, dedication, and exemplary <br /> 27 service to the people of Orange County, and wishes her and her family the very <br /> 28 best in their future endeavors. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be presented to Anna Richards and that the <br /> 31 Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 This the 19th day of November, 2024. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 A motion was made by Commissioner Portie-Ascott, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 36 Hamilton, to approve the resolution commending Commissioner Anna Richards for her service <br /> 37 to the residents of Orange County. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Chair Bedford shared a memory of meeting with Commissioner Richards in 2018 and <br /> 42 encouraging her to run for the Board of County Commissioners. She said she had run and lost <br /> 43 in 2016 and was thinking about running again. She said that Commissioner Richards was the <br /> 44 president of the NAACP at that time. She said that she suggested that Commissioner Richards <br /> 45 run for commissioner and at that time, she was a strong no but said that as everyone can see, <br /> 46 she changed her mind and did an incredible job for the people of Orange County. <br /> 47 Commissioner McKee said that when they appointed her to the Board in 2021, they <br /> 48 knew they had made a good decision, but they actually hit a home run. He said he had enjoyed <br /> 49 working with her. <br /> 50 Commissioner Hamilton said Commissioner Richards brings intelligence and awareness <br /> 51 to issues that allows her to ask the right questions. She said when they made the appointment, <br />