Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> DBDernber6-AboRio n day <br /> cannot be cheered without grieving the <br /> profound suffering that made such freedom <br /> necessary. And the Supreme Court's 1853 Dred <br /> a 1. <br /> Scott w. Srnford decision had already declared <br /> that the Negro, whether enslaved or free, "had <br /> no rights which the white man was bound to <br /> i.g <br /> respell" <br /> Abolition Day,Deoennber 6,is a day to mourn the <br /> lives stolen, to acknowledge the generational <br /> trauma inflicted,and to confront the complicity <br /> of a nation built on the backs of enslaved people. <br /> It is our colledive responsibility to ensure that <br /> J2 rnes And rew wen n,Cimuitludge,united states Cn rtofAppeah, the stories of those who endured this horror are <br /> 4°1circuit told—not as a footnote in history but as an <br /> Friday; December 6, marks Abohtrcrl Day in unrelenting indictment of a system driven by <br /> America-159 years since the ratification of the greed and dehumanization. <br /> 13th Amendment, which legally abolished So: How do we reckon with a history that <br /> slavery in this country. It is not a day for <br /> celebration but a day of reckoning—a day to continues to shape the present?How do we <br /> confront, with unflinching honesty, the moral confront the remnants of slavery tha= persist in <br /> horror ofthe institution of slavery and the nation systemic inequities? Abolition Day is not just <br /> that allowed it to flourish for centuries. about the past—it is about the unfinished work <br /> of justice. <br /> Slavery in America was not an isolded historical <br /> Just as the Holocaust is remembered as a <br /> anomaly—it was a calculated, systemic atrocity, warning against the depths of human cruelty, so <br /> deeply entrenched in the foundations of this too must slavery be etched into the conscience <br /> country. It robbed millions of their freedom, <br /> exploited their bodies, shattered families, and of this nation. To forget, to minimize, or to <br /> built the wealth and power of a ndion on the cornpartrnentalize its horrors is to risk <br /> backs of human suffering.To reflect on slavery is perpetuating its legacy in subtler forms. <br /> to indict a system that cornmodified human Abolition Day is not a moment for comfort but <br /> beings, stripping them of dignity and humanity <br /> for acoountability, for grappling with a history <br /> that still reverberates in the lives of millions. <br /> far profit and power. It is to stare into the abyss <br /> of a society t hat en sh ri ne d b rutal ity i nto I aw an d Aswerefledonthis day let usrecognizethatthe <br /> justified it with atwisted moral compass. abolition of slavery was not the end of the <br /> Yes, we celebrate Juneteenth for the joyous dory—it was the beginning of along, unfinished <br /> moment when the enslaved in Texas learned of struggle for true equality and justice. Honoring <br /> their freedom—an occasion of jubilation that this day with the gravity it deserves is not just an <br /> act of remembrance; it is a moral imperative. <br /> honors the resilience, resistance, and humanity Only by confronting this dark chapter of our <br /> of African Americans. But Juneteenth <br /> celebrations cannot bear the weight of 246 years history can we begin to build a future where the <br /> of unimaginab lecFuelty.That'sbecausefreedom dignity�and humanity of every person are truly <br /> 1 upheld. <br /> 2 Vice-Chair Hamilton said she is honored to continue to serve the residents of Orange <br /> 3 County. She thanked other Board members for voting for her to be Vice-Chair. She thanked voters <br /> 4 and those who supported her campaign, county staff, and her family. She congratulated <br /> 5 Commissioner Carter for her election to the Board. <br /> 6 Commissioner Fowler also congratulated other Board members on their respective <br /> 7 elections and re-elections. She said she is looking forward to working with everyone on the Board. <br /> 8 She said that she attended a Board of Health meeting, a Climate Council meeting, and two others <br /> 9 since the last meeting. She also thanked those who helped with her campaign and her family for <br /> 10 her support. She said that she was pleased to hear from OCS that they will be able to add more <br />