Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> 1 found guilty or pled guilty for a misdemeanor. He said that the NC Sheriff's Association agreed <br /> 2 to house those folks for the NC Department of Corrections. He said they can be there for up to <br /> 3 two years. He said that these are usually the habitual DWI folks. He said they house pre-trial <br /> 4 federal inmates, but that population is currently zero. <br /> 5 Chair Bedford asked if the detainees had been denied bail. <br /> 6 Tim Jones said that they either have been charged with something that the judge did not <br /> 7 set a bond for, or they are given a bond they cannot make. He said that the higher bonds are <br /> 8 usually for several failure to appears, which causes the bond to increase. <br /> 9 Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she was pleased to see that in-person visitation was <br /> 10 starting up again. <br /> 11 Vice-Chair Greene agreed with Commissioner Portie-Ascott. She said that the <br /> 12 suggested changes for the shift work seem like they will be very good for the employees. <br /> 13 Commissioner Richards thanked the Sheriff and Matrix Consulting for their work and <br /> 14 being open to change. She said that when the county built a new facility, it meant that it would <br /> 15 operate differently. She said that separating the detention center budget from the Sheriff's Office <br /> 16 budget would be helpful. She said that having desk manuals for each role will be helpful and <br /> 17 will create efficiencies. She said having a road map for staffing will help during budget planning. <br /> 18 Commissioner Hamilton said that having the consultant's outside help is beneficial. She <br /> 19 asked if there are detention center programming models from other counties or states and <br /> 20 encouraged them to look into that. <br /> 21 Commissioner McKee said he is pleased that the facility is not at capacity. He said that it <br /> 22 speaks well to the programs and policies that Orange County and Orange County Sheriff's <br /> 23 Office have put in place. He said that it is important that when detainees are released that the <br /> 24 county has done everything possible to make them successful. <br /> 25 Chair Bedford said that the Sheriff's Office is an elected and difficult job. She said that <br /> 26 she knows it is hard to work in a detention center and law enforcement. She discussed the <br /> 27 importance of continual training for employees. She petitioned for the County Manager to <br /> 28 research the cost of a body scanner and see if there is available funding to purchase it in the <br /> 29 current fiscal year. She said that she supports separating the detention center budget from the <br /> 30 Sheriff's Office budget. She supported freeing up the business officer so they can do more <br /> 31 administrative work. She said she thought the outdoor space was small and that not that many <br /> 32 people could use it at any one time. She said that getting more than just a staffing study from <br /> 33 the consultant is helpful. She said having more programming is better for the detainees and <br /> 34 their families. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br /> 37 Ashley Nissler said she represents the Orange County Justice Project NC. She thanked <br /> 38 Commissioner Richards for starting this conversation and that having the in-person visitation is <br /> 39 great and she hopes it will be successful. She said they also support having more <br /> 40 programming. She said whatever result comes for the detainee, the services provided in the <br /> 41 detention facility will set them on a positive path. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 8. Consent Agenda <br /> 44 <br /> 45 • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> 46 • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> 47 • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> 48 <br /> 49 A motion was made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner McKee, to <br /> 50 approve the consent agenda. <br /> 51 <br />