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14 <br /> 1 Nishith Trivedi said he could not give a clear answer to that question. He said that <br /> 2 projects are worked on by component and by phase. <br /> 3 Chair Bedford said that at the MPO meeting she attended, it was discussed that our <br /> 4 district has funds for projects, but the amount keeps dropping. She said that the transportation <br /> 5 needs in western North Carolina will take priority. <br /> 6 Commissioner McKee said that the damage in the western part of the state is extensive <br /> 7 and that he believes almost all funds would be directed to repairing roads and bridges in that <br /> 8 part of the state. He said that shortly after joining the Board, he sat on the TARPO board. He <br /> 9 said that they did some trading of points to get paved shoulders. He said there was a 3-year <br /> 10 delay between the assignment of points and work starting. He said there were other widening <br /> 11 projects that spanned 5 years. <br /> 12 Chair Bedford said they adopted the points for SPOT 7, but they probably won't get any <br /> 13 projects. <br /> 14 Nishith Trivedi said the draft STIP comes out in January and that we start SPOT 8 after <br /> 15 that. <br /> 16 Chair Bedford said only 2 people came to one public engagement, and around 100 <br /> 17 people did the survey. She referred to page 85 of the agenda item which showed the <br /> 18 methodology for determining points. She said that the range was consistent between scoring <br /> 19 groups. She asked if the three were weighted and averaged to get the combined score. <br /> 20 Shivang Shelat said that was correct. <br /> 21 Chair Bedford said it seemed balanced. She said sometimes it seems like people who <br /> 22 want bike and pedestrian projects turn out more. <br /> 23 Nishith Trivedi said public engagement is the most challenging part of the work. He said <br /> 24 that they have worked with their partners and gone out into the community to reach people. <br /> 25 Commissioner Hamilton complimented Nishith Trivedi on their public engagement <br /> 26 efforts. She said that public engagement is a challenge across government. <br /> 27 Nishith Trivedi said that WSP assisted with the public engagement outreach. <br /> 28 Chair Bedford said the process and results seem logical. She said it is helpful to be able <br /> 29 to prioritize. <br /> 30 Commissioner Fowler said it is overwhelming to see how many wants and needs the <br /> 31 county has, but she complimented Nishith Trivedi on staff's effort to put it all together and <br /> 32 prioritize. She said hopefully they will be able to get all the projects. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to <br /> 35 approve the Orange County Transportation Multimodal Plan. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 38 <br /> 39 7. Reports <br /> 40 a. Report on Detention Center Operational and Staffing Assessment <br /> 41 The Board received the findings and recommendations from the Detention Center Operational <br /> 42 and Staffing Assessment. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 BACKGROUND: In response to a petition from Commissioner Anna Richards, the County <br /> 45 retained Matrix Consulting Group to conduct an independent, objective, and comprehensive <br /> 46 staffing and efficiency analysis of the Orange County Detention Center. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 The scope of the assessment included: <br /> 49 • an analysis of current detention operations, including workload and service level <br /> 50 objectives, <br /> 51 • a review of the intake and release processes, <br />