Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Affordable Housing — Support legislation and additional funding to increase affordable and <br /> accessible housing, including permanent supportive housing for individuals with disabilities. <br /> Foster Care — Seek legislation providing additional resources and state leadership for foster care, <br /> along with funding for dedicated physical spaces and necessary staffing to serve foster children <br /> held in county custody. <br /> PUBLIC EDUCATION <br /> Priority School Issues — Support legislation to address the following issues related to schools: <br /> • Provide local school systems with calendar flexibility; <br /> • Provide full funding for State allotments including Average Daily Membership (ADM) growth <br /> and infrastructure/capital, and support legislation to provide for an overall increase in <br /> funding based on ADM outside of the current formula system; <br /> • Provide a periodic accounting process for State per pupil funds so that funds and pro-rated <br /> funds follow students to their respective schools, as opposed to the current process that <br /> only considers State funding allocations based on students' attendance location on a single <br /> day during the school year; <br /> • Increase salary compensation for teachers and staff at all years of service; <br /> • Impose class size reductions commensurate with State funding for staffing; <br /> • Provide increased funding for school safety initiatives; <br /> • Provide full funding for public Pre-K education which benefits both students and the general <br /> public through improved life-long health/mental health, achievement; and other benefits; <br /> and <br /> • Reduce funding and limit eligibility for/availability of private school vouchers (especially <br /> reversing the availability of funding for non-low income families), as vouchers constrain <br /> available funding for public education statewide, encourage students to leave public <br /> education, and limit services and educational opportunities for all remaining public school <br /> students. <br /> School Capital Funding — Support a State bond referendum to address school capital needs to <br /> provide needed capital funding to support school infrastructure, renovations, and new <br /> construction; and support legislation to: <br /> • Allocate State surplus funds for statewide school capital needs; and <br /> • Ensure methods used to distribute school capital funding consider the needs of all counties. <br /> Full Funding of the Leandro Remedial Action Plan — Support equity and racial justice by fully <br /> funding the Leandro Remedial Action Plan, which details additional comprehensive, targeted <br /> education funding over the next eight years, predominantly to low-wealth and minority <br /> communities, in order for the State to come into compliance with its constitutional obligation to <br /> provide every student a sound basic education. <br />