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~P <br />The following resolution was introduced by Alderman Jacquelyn Gist and duly seconded by <br />Alderman Mark Chilton. <br />A RESOLUTION MAI{ING APPOINTMENTS TO THE AIR. QUALITY ADVISORY GROUP <br />FOR. THE GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORY AND REDUCTION PLANNING PROJECT <br />Resolution No, .32/2005-06 <br />WHEREAS, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and the County are all members of the International Council <br />of Lacal Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and the Cities (Counties) for Climate Protection <br />(CCP) program; and <br />WHEREAS, as members of ICLEI and CCP, the County, Carrboro, and Chapel Hill are all <br />required to conduct an inventory and action plan for reducing GHG emissions, which aze a <br />contributor to diminished au' quality and ground level ozone; and <br />WHEREAS, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and the County, recognizing the mutual benefits and <br />econonues that would be received by developing a,joint Countywide plan, have entered into a <br />Memorandum of Agreement to do so; and <br />WHEREAS, the Scope of Work for the project involves the creation of an Air Quality Advisory <br />Group to work with staff and the consultant on the project, The group is to consist of <br />representatives of community stakeholder groups, including the general public, energy industry, <br />elected officials, university representatives, <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen that the Aldermen <br />appoints the following members: <br />Board of Aldermen liaison: Randee Haven-O'Donnell <br />At-large appointment: Ginger Guidry <br />At lazge appointment: Gudrun Thompson <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen that the Board will continue <br />to look for an Energy Industry representative, <br />The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, received the following vote and was <br />duly adopted this 15th day of November, 2005: <br />Ayes: Joal Hall Broun, Mark Chilton, Jacquelyn Gist, John Herrera, Diana McDuffee, Alex <br />Zaffron, Michael Nelson <br />Noes: None <br />Absent or Excused: None <br />