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• Designating responsibilities for fuel conservation as to the Energy Conservation Task Group, <br />Public Works Department, department heads and employees, <br />• Providing for an annual Vehicle Fuel Conservation Action Plan setting out specific actions to <br />be accomplished during the coming year for review and approval by the Board, in <br />conjunction with the annual budget process. <br />• Providing for data collection, reporting and performance measures to assess fuel <br />conservation performance, <br />• Establishing a framework of supporting programs including employee awareness, incentives, <br />acquisition of fuel-efficient vehicles and equipment and so forth. <br />Fuel Use, Costs and Performance Measures <br />Public Works maintains a database of vehicle fiiel consumption and cost information from the <br />County's fuel station and off-site fuel transactions. This will serve as the basis for measuring <br />the County's success in reducing fuel consumption, As the Board wishes, this information may <br />be presented in a variety of formats and varying levels of detail. <br />Under separate cover, Public Works has provided a report covering Orange County vehicle fuel <br />use and cost, Public Works also will provide a brief presentation of this information at the <br />Board meeting. At the Board meeting, the Board may wish to provide direction to staff on the <br />types of fuel usage information that it wishes to receive and the desired format for this <br />information. Based on the current data, staff recommends three measures be used to assess <br />the County's success in reducing fuel consumption and use of alternative fuels, These are <br />year-to-year comparisons of: <br />• Average miles per gallon for each department's vehicle fleet and for the County as a whole <br />• Total miles driven by each department and for the County as a whole. <br />• Number and usage of alternative fuel vehicles, <br />For the future, staff is assessing other possible measures to measure success in conservation, <br />while taking into account service delivery needs and requirements for each department, <br />Next Steps <br />Planned next steps include: <br />At the December 13 meeting, staff will present a draft water conservation policy for the <br />Board's consideration to address the need to conserve water resources, <br />• Also at the December 13 meeting, staff will present a report on water consumption, costs <br />and possible performance measures for tracking progress. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact related to adopting the policy or <br />receiving the report. Any additional budget recommended for vehicle and equipment <br />