Orange County NC Website
1/30/24, 5 00 PM HSOA 24 57 <br />https //chapelhillnc workflow opengov com/#/explore/records/63447/react form details/63447 10/13 <br />If applying to Orange County, please select the <br />funding area that best aligns with your program. <br />Youth Services <br />Based on the strategic objective, intermediate result, and/or funding area selected above, what are <br />the performance indicators/program goals related to this program? <br />Actual Outcomes 2022-2023 <br />Projected Outcomes 2023-2024 <br />Projected Outcomes 2024-2025 <br />Community Impact Award <br />Please describe the impact the proposed programs will have on the target population.Please include specific <br />quantitative and qualitative data in your response. <br />75% (113) of students enrolled improve their grades,75% (113) of students <br />enrolled improve their academic confidence,and 33% (113) of students enrolled <br />improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing <br />76.9%of students improved their grades in the tutored subject(s),76.9%of <br />students increased their confidence in academic potential and school success, <br />38.9%of students improved their mental health and emotional wellbeing <br />75% (113) of students enrolled improve their grades,75% (113) of students <br />enrolled improve their academic confidence,and 33% (113) of students enrolled <br />improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing <br />75% (113) of students enrolled improve their grades,75% (113) of students <br />enrolled improve their academic confidence,and 33% (113) of students enrolled <br />improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 3F291284-28EA-4C38-99B9-60DFE2A69BE8