Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2,~ <br />Ordinance requires 1 space per 3 students for "college" uses and the same <br />standard as Hillsborough for Vocational Schools. <br />Using Town of Hillsborough requirements, the parking requirements would <br />be between 600 and 1,000 spaces, depending on whether 2000 students <br />are used in the calculation or if the expected number of evening students <br />(1,200) is used. Staff spaces would raise the number of required spaces, <br />DTCC is proposing significantly fewer parking spaces than would be <br />required under exiting parking regulations for non-SUP projects, <br />Therefore the 200 parking spaces by the Orange county campus of DTCC <br />is reasonable at this time, <br />Share parking with the Park-and-Ride lot, The campus can use the Park- <br />and-Ride lot as overflow parking in the evenings (see Attachment 4), <br />8. Innovative Transportation and Traffic Systems <br />Transportation Demand Management involves strategies that change travel <br />behavior (how, when and where people travel) in order to increase transport <br />system efficiency and achieve specific objectives such as reduced traffic <br />congestion, road and parking cost savings, increased safety, improved mobility <br />for non-drivers, energy conservation and pollution emission reductions, There <br />are many different TDM strategies with a variety of impacts. Some improve the <br />transportation options available to consumers, while others provide an incentive <br />to change travel mode, time or destination,. Some reduce the need for physical <br />travel through mobility substitutes or more efficient land use, <br />Suggestion: <br />• Encourage car pools, provide transit stops and Park-and-Ride lots. <br />9. Community Use <br />Allows the community access to the facilities, which reduces demand for <br />existing faculties and reduces the need for more construction, <br />Suggestion.° <br />• The campus could provide a public green in some phase of the master <br />plan to accommodate outdoor gathering areas or a meeting room/flexible <br />space large enough to accommodate community meetings could also be <br />considered if educational uses permit and do not conflict. <br />10. Joint Use and Mixed Use <br />By putting uses in close proximity to one another, alternatives to driving sucF <br />as walking or biking, once again become viable, Mixed use can enhance the <br />vitality and perceived security of an area by increasing the number of people <br />on the street. <br />C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local ScUings\Temp\Att 1- DPCC final 120105 hoc <br />