Orange County NC Website
/~TTGC~ren~ `T <br />~~~ <br />The primary purpose of the CMAQ program is to fund transportation projects and <br />programs in non-attainment and maintenance areas that reduce transportation-related <br />emissions. The CMAQ program is a reimbursement program in which local <br />governments have a contract with the NCDOT for reimbursement of approved <br />expenditures for projects that are managed by the local government, <br />Orange County has applied for, and The North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />(NCDOT) has appropriated $ 733,076 in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) <br />grant funds for constnuction of a park & ride lot at the Durham Technical Community <br />College campus and three years of operating assistance for a new transit service, to be <br />provided by Orange Public Transportation (OPT), far a new intra-Hillsborough route. <br />The grant includes $113,186 ($90,549 to be reimbursed through the CMAQ program, <br />$22,637 provided by Orange County) fora 125-space park and ride lot and $22,490 <br />($17,992 CMAQ reimbursement, $4,498 local match) for two transit shelters, one to be <br />located at the park and ride lot and one to be located at the new Orange County justice <br />facility/government services complex, In addition to the local match, Orange County is <br />providing the land and cost of designing the park and ride lot, <br />The park and ride lot, when completed, will augment parking for the new addition to the <br />justice facility that will eliminate much of the parking currently available at the <br />courthouse, The park and ride would also provide a place for people from outside the <br />Metropolitan Area Boundary to access transit services, and provide a central location <br />where carpools and vanpools could meet. <br />The linear placement of the park and ride lot along the southern portion of the DTCC <br />property that borders the future mixed rase development will preserve the natural <br />contour of the parcel and will require the least cut and fill during construction, That <br />location will also provide easy walkable access to/from the mixed use area, The <br />greenway trail planned along the old roadbed through the DTCC and the mixed use <br />sites also passes through this site for the park and ride lot. The greenway trail will <br />provide additional landscaping and "break up" the paved parking area. Design of the <br />park and ride lot should use principles of crime prevention through environmental <br />design to ensure landscaping and buffers are attractive, but don't serve to seclude the <br />park and ride lot ar totally obscure it from view, <br />The transit route is designed to shuttle court traffic from the park and ride lot to the <br />County justice facility/ government services complex and provide transit service to <br />Hillsborough government services, residential areas, shopping and employment <br />centers. <br />The following gives a brief history of the CMAQ project, <br />June 15, 2004: Orange County was designated as non-attainment for national 8-hour <br />ozone standard, which made the county eligible to receive Congestion Mitigation and <br />Air Quality (CMAQ) grants, <br />December 14, 2004: The Orange County Board of Commissioners (BOCC), endorsed <br />a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant application including, subject to <br />