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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI5SIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: December 5, 2005 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ]_~_ <br />SUBJECT: Durham Technical Community College Orange County Campus Report <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing, Planning and PUBLIC HEARING: (YIN) ~N <br />Inspections, ERCD <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Attachment 1: Timeline <br />Attachment 2: Smart Growth Site Design Attributes <br />Attachment 3: Developer's Road Cut Site Impact <br />Revision <br />Attachment 4: Park-and-Ride Lot Issues <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, Purchasing, 245-2650 <br />Craig N, Benedict, Planning Director, <br />245-2592 <br />Dave Stancil, ERCD, 245-2598 <br />PURPOSE: To report on the evaluation of the September 20, 2005 Durham Technical Community <br />College (DTCC) concept plan as it relates to the site plan elements of 'Smart Growth' and make <br />suggestions; and to consider authorizing CRZ to complete the design work for the park and ride lot <br />as part of the DTCC contract for an amount not to exceed $20,020. <br />BACKGROUND: On April 15, 2005, Orange County closed on property in the Waterstone <br />development upon which to locate the DTCC campus in Orarige County. Shortly thereafter, DTCC <br />selected and approved a contract with the Chapel Hill based architectural firm, Corley Redfoot Zack <br />(CRZ) to design the project. As the Board will recall, 50% of the funding for this project's $8 million <br />estimated construction cast comes from Orange County and 50% comes from State bond funds, <br />which must be encumbered by contract no later than ,lone 1, 2006, The attached timeline from <br />CRZ reflects the overall timeline to meet the critical deadlines requisite to the August 1, 2007 <br />opening date for the campus (Attachment 1), <br />On September 20, 2005, CRZ presented plans for the first campus building, currently under design <br />as well as the campus master plan that reflects the campus at full build-out. County <br />Commissioners requested additional information on sustainable design features that could be <br />incorporated into the construction of the building and other elements that are commensurate with <br />smart growth principles, Sustainable design features were approved by the Board on November <br />15, 2005 and are currently under design for inclusion in the bid as add alternates. Based on the <br />pricing obtained, the Board can then decide which elements will be funded for inclusion in the <br />construction contract. <br />This report focuses on the principles of Smart Growth site design attributes as listed below. <br />Attachment 2 provides elaboration on each element, as well as the suggestions made by County <br />staff and incorporated into the DTCC design about how the particular element could be addressed, <br />