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this evening. We have James Tilson, the applicant here, and John McPhaul, who is our appraiser. 1 <br />They will both be doing the heavy lifting, of course besides county staff, this evening. 2 <br />3 <br />Leon Meyers: Good. 4 <br />5 <br />SWEARING OF THE TESTIMONY 6 <br />7 <br />Jack Moran: Do you swear and/or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and 8 <br />nothing but the truth to the best of your knowledge. 9 <br />10 <br />Applicants: I do. 11 <br />12 <br />Staff: I do. 13 <br />14 <br />Leon Meyers: All right, Ms. Perschau, it's all you. 15 <br />16 <br />Taylor Perschau: So, a little bit more to orient us towards the parcel, we are talking about a parcel located in the 17 <br />Bingham Township. Here it is symbolized by the red star, the green outline being Bingham 18 <br />Township. So, we're in the western-southwestern side of the county. It is in the Cane Creek 19 <br />protected watershed, and the applicant is James Tilson, co-owning the land with Michael Tilson, both 20 <br />of whom are considered applicants. At present, the property is zoned agricultural residential, and 21 <br />there is no request for changing that zoning, but instead the Kennel Class 2 use is designated as a 22 <br />special use, so that means it is permitted in this district with the issuance of a special-use permit by 23 <br />the Board of Adjustment. The SUP is requested for the entirety of the 32.4 acres, in accordance 24 <br />with the submitted site plan. You will see that the site plan designated the specific use areas, so I 25 <br />wouldn't say, and the applicant can speak to this, but I wouldn't say the entire use will really be going 26 <br />to the full 32.4 acres. All of the surrounding zoning is agricultural residential as well. The future 27 <br />land-use map designation is agricultural residential, and it also does have some resource protection 28 <br />areas, which tends to stay along that stream that's on the southern portion of the property. These 29 <br />resource protection areas were reviewed by the Orange County Department of Environment, 30 <br />Agricultural, Parks and Rec. There were no comments of concern from them, nor did the return 31 <br />comments from the State Environmental Clearing House present any concern for the proposed use. 32 <br />The general overview that was submitted is that the project would allow for canine exercise, training, 33 <br />and overnight boarding facilities. So, one of the qualifiers for a Class 2 kennel would be the keeping 34 <br />of more than five animals at any given time, which is the one category that this particular use falls 35 <br />into. They do have an overnight boarding facility that could hold up to eight animals, and the narrative 36 <br />you'll find they will tend to keep around ten on site at any given time and no more than eight overnight. 37 <br />The use standards for Kennel Class 2 do ask for 150-foot use setback along the property perimeter, 38 <br />and I believe the closest element of the kennel use is 215 feet from the property line. They do 39 <br />propose to retain existing vegetation on site. It is a largely wooded parcel as it is. There are several 40 <br />vacant partials surrounding some residential uses, not many in close proximity. And I think it's worth 41 <br />noting that many adjacent parcels are currently owned by the applicant, but that may not be true 42 <br />forever. They do propose to use the existing ingress and egress on Monotropa Trail, which then 43 <br />connects to Buckhorn Road, as their publicly maintained access point. This is the site plan, and we 44 <br />can happily get into details of it. It's a very large parcel, so it's somewhat hard to see the details 45 <br />here. We can zoom into it as questions come up, so based on the materials submitted, we 46 <br />determined that the application was complete per the requirements of what's required from Section 47 <br />2.5, which is our site plan review; Section 2.7, which is our special-use permit review; and then 48 <br />Section 5.6.8, which details the specific standards and submittal requirements for a Class 2 kennel. 49 <br />Staff finds that the special use proposed will maintain or promote the public health, safety, and 50 <br />5