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STAFF COMMENT(S): <br />1. The application has been deemed complete. <br />2. As required under Section 2.12.6 of the UDO, staff notified all property owners within <br />1,000 feet of the subject property of the variance request. This notice also informed <br />parties of the date, time, and location of the public hearing where the request will be <br />reviewed. Copies of the letter, as well as our certification of mailing, are contained in <br />Attachment 3. <br />3. As of November 5, 2024, the writing of this abstract, staff has not received any <br />complaints/concerns resulting from property owners notified of the request. The <br />application was reviewed at the October 17, 2024, Development Advisory Committee <br />(DAC) meeting. Additionally, the Variance request was sent to the State Clearinghouse <br />for review on October 8, 2024. All DAC and State Clearinghouse comments are available <br />to the Board for review in Attachment 3 and compete State Clearinghouse materials are <br />available through the Permit Portal. <br />4. As detailed within Section 2.10 Variances of the UDO, the Board is authorized to modify <br />or vary regulations when strict compliance with the regulation or standard would result in <br />unnecessary hardships upon the subject property. <br />5. In accordance with the provisions of Section 2.10.4 of the UDO, the Board may approve <br />a variance in cases where unnecessary hardships would result from carrying out the strict <br />letter of the UDO, when substantial evidence in the official record of the application <br />supports all the following findings: <br />a. Unnecessary hardship would result from the strict application of the Ordinance. It <br />shall not be necessary to demonstrate that, in the absence of the variance, no <br />reasonable use can be made of the property. <br />Staff Comment: Staff cannot attest that in the absence of a variance, no <br />reasonable use can be made of the property or that failure to grant the <br />variance would result in exceptional hardship. <br />b. The hardship results from conditions that are peculiar to the property, such as <br />location, size, or topography. Hardships resulting from personal circumstances, as <br />well as hardships resulting from conditions that are common to the neighborhood <br />or general public, may not be the basis for granting a variance. <br />Staff Comment: The applicant notes that the lot was created in 1992 as part <br />of Deer Run Subdivision, which predated the 1994 zoning ordinance in which <br />the 150-foot reservoir buffer was first implemented. However, the parcel was <br />subject to a recombination on January 27, 2003. Due to this recombination, <br />unlike many existing properties at Lake Orange, the parcel does not quality <br />as an “existing lot” as defined in UDO Section 4.2.2(I) Existing Lots. Such lots <br />may receive stream buffer and septic setback reductions administratively, <br />provided they meet all of the review criteria. The two smaller, parent parcels <br />of the subject parcel likely would have been eligible for the buffer reduction <br />allowances. <br />c. The hardship did not result from actions taken by the applicant or the property <br />owner. The act of purchasing property with knowledge that circumstances exist <br />18