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Comprehensive Plan. I'll let you disagree with me momentarily if you do. All right. Moving along, 1 <br />again, under the UDO, the applicant is also required to meet the requirements of Section 5.3.2(b). 2 <br />These are, I think, criteria that allow county staff to conduct additional review regarding the practical 3 <br />application of the use on the subject property. Is it true, Mr. Tilson, that you submitted information 4 <br />to the county regarding sewage disposal, solid waste, and water as part of the application package? 5 <br /> 6 <br />James Tilson: Yes, sir. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Kevin Hornik: All right. And I believe, according to the information included in the agenda package, the county's 9 <br />Environmental Health and Solid Waste Departments have no comments or concerns. Obviously, 10 <br />the applicant will need to comply with the county's regulations with respect to septic and water on 11 <br />site. The applicant stipulates to that fact. No. 2: The applicant has to address the methodology and 12 <br />adequacy of police and fire and rescue squad protection. Excuse me. Again, this is a criteria that 13 <br />has been submitted, and county staff and the Development Advisory Committee have found that 14 <br />they have no comments, that the application material has satisfactorily addressed those 15 <br />requirements. Again, the third criteria is that the method and adequacy of vehicular access to the 16 <br />site and traffic conditions around the site are adequately addressed. Again, this site, this was 17 <br />reviewed by NCDOT. You'll see their conclusions, and this comes directly out of the agenda package 18 <br />here, is that there is already an existing driveway permit for the subject property, and there are no 19 <br />additional requirements necessary unless the county requires upgrades or modifications to the road. 20 <br />I would also ask, and I think Mr. Tilson testified to this a little bit earlier, but you don't anticipate that 21 <br />there will be any significant increase in vehicular traffic as a result of your use. Is that correct? 22 <br /> 23 <br />James Tilson: That's correct. All transportation of dogs will be conducted by myself. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Kevin Hornik: So, it's not as though you are developing, for instance, a residential subdivision on the property which 26 <br />might generate additional trips in connection with that residential use. Is that correct? 27 <br /> 28 <br />James Tilson: Correct. We created two parking spots at the dog den in case of emergencies, but primarily, I will 29 <br />be doing the driving, and clients will not be coming to the land. 30 <br /> 31 <br />Kevin Hornik: All right. So, I think that the evidence included in the agenda package and in the record before you, 32 <br />as well as Mr. Tilson's testimony, adequately addresses this review criteria. And then finally, and 33 <br />we've already gone over this one, so I won't belabor the point, the other use specific standards as 34 <br />set forth in the UDO must be met. The applicable additional specific standards in this case are those 35 <br />found in Section 5.6.8 of the UDO. And, again, I think you've heard testimony, and there is evidence 36 <br />in the agenda package that addresses this, county staff have found that all of those additional 37 <br />standards have been met in this case. So, again, based on the evidence you've heard this evening 38 <br />both from county staff, from the applicant, and from Mr. McPhaul, you've heard competent material 39 <br />and substantial evidence that tends to show all of the required review criteria have been met here. 40 <br />I think one last housekeeping item: I would ask that the agenda package, the presentation, Mr. 41 <br />McPhaul's report – I think I already mentioned our presentation, but in any event, I'll do it again – all 42 <br />be entered into and accepted into the record of this evening's hearing. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Leon Meyers: Without objection, board members? Accepted. 45 <br /> 46 <br />Kevin Hornik: I think that concludes our presentation unless the board has any additional questions for Mr. Tilson. 47 <br /> 48 <br />Leon Meyers: Questions, board members, for Mr. Hornik or the applicant? You guys must have done a really good 49 <br />job. 50 <br />10