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10 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 164 we're testing. I think you could also say these are the characteristics of each alternative map. <br /> 165 Alternative 3: Add low-impact mixed-use neighborhoods in strategic locations. This would be a <br /> 166 focus on creating conservation subdivisions that could include a mix of housing types and possibly <br /> 167 neighborhoods serving commercial areas. As the board knows,we do have, currently, the <br /> 168 provisions for flexible developments within our unified development ordinance, so we have <br /> 169 conservation subdivisions now. What would be tested here is really a denser version,so smaller <br /> 170 lots, higher open-space requirements, and we don't currently really have an example on the <br /> 171 ground of that type of a development. I think probably the best example would be the Fiddlehead <br /> 172 Corners project as being a type of relatively higher density, mixed-use neighborhood, so that type <br /> 173 of a development is what is being communicated through Alternative 3. And then of course <br /> 174 protect key ecological viable areas of each site. Will likely require municipal utility services or <br /> 175 certainly community systems to serve such a development. And identify locations within county's <br /> 176 jurisdiction near municipalities and outside of our water supply watershed critical areas, and <br /> 177 potentially testing those locations also in the rural buffer area. I'm going to skip through this. <br /> 178 You're familiar with this. Just a graphic example showing a conservation subdivision, more open <br /> 179 space and denser development, smaller lots. So,Alternative 4 adds higher-intensity mixed-use <br /> 180 centers in strategic locations. So that would be focus on maximizing available land that could <br /> 181 include a mix of housing types and commercial employment areas; protect currently required <br /> 182 areas such as our Resource Protection Areas, RPA. They will require municipal utility services to <br /> 183 serve development. Community systems may be an option. And identify locations within the <br /> 184 county's jurisdiction near municipalities and outside of our critical areas. And, again, potential <br /> 185 testing of locations in the rural buffer. <br /> 186 <br /> 187 Charity Kirk: Can I ask a clarifying question? The difference between Alt 3 and Alt 4 is more the commercial <br /> 188 aspect of it? <br /> 189 <br /> 190 Tom Altieri: More the commercial aspect, and more intense. There's an example. It's an aerial photograph. <br /> 191 It's of Southern Village. So that's the example that the consultant has used as an aerial image. <br /> 192 So, Fiddlehead,Alternative 3,and a Southern Village type development with Alternative 4. <br /> 193 <br /> 194 Adam Beeman: Where's the water coming from? <br /> 195 <br /> 196 Tom Altieri: I'm sorry? <br /> 197 <br /> 198 Tom Altieri: Where it says a lot of these options need to be close to or could use municipal utilities, so that is <br /> 199 where the public water and sewer would be coming from in that Alternative. <br /> 200 <br /> 201 Charity Krik: It said community services,too. It said community services as well. <br /> 202 <br /> 203 Adam Beeman: Yeah, I know, but I'm not really a fan of going down that avenue because then we have multiple <br /> 204 people dealing with sewage around the county that may or may not keep up on their task. I prefer <br /> 205 that to be a governmental operation. But I'm just curious to know if there's a plan down the road, if <br /> 206 we go that route, if they plan on increasing their capacities. <br /> 207 <br /> 208 Tom Altieri: We mentioned the use of community systems. We know what those are. But to achieve some of <br /> 209 these alternatives,we'd need a public utility provider. Orange County is not a utility provider, so <br /> 210 we would need those partnerships, and they would need to agree to serve it. So,this is where 1 <br /> 211 said I wanted to just stop for questions. I've only got two slides after this,about what's coming <br /> 212 next, a little bit about outreach. So, additional questions on what I've presented thus far? <br /> 213 <br /> 214 Marilyn Carter: Just a quick question. I know,Tom, you're going to mention the upcoming sessions for <br /> 215 community engagement. I imagine that the testing that you're talking about as part of the <br /> 216 engagement is going to happen in those sessions coming up? <br /> 217 <br /> 218 Tom Altieri: It is. <br />