Orange County NC Website
y <br />class on the date membership is determined as a result of sickness or some <br />other temporary reason are included in school membership figures. Each <br />year the School District shall transmit its school membership to the parties <br />to this agreement no later thus five (5) school days after November 15, <br />Within fifteen (IS) school days after receiving the school membership <br />calculations from the School District, the Boazd of Cotmty Conunissioners <br />shall approve the School District's school membership calculations,. <br />b. For purposes of this Memorandum, "building capacity" will be determined <br />by reference to State guidelines and the School District guidelines <br />(consistent with CII' School Construction Guidelines/policies developed <br />by the School District and the Board of County Conunissioners) and will <br />be determined by a joint action of the School Board and the Orange <br />County Board of Conunissioners. As used herein the term "building <br />capacity" refers to permanent buildings. Mobile classrooms and other <br />temporary student acconmiodafing classroom spaces are not permanent <br />buildings and may not be counted in determining the school districts <br />building capacity, The School District shall transmit its building capacity <br />to the parties to this agreement no later than five (5) school days after <br />November 15. Within fifteen (15) school days after receiving the building <br />capacity calculations from the School District, the Board of County <br />Commissioners shall approve the School District's building capacity <br />calculations. <br />c_ Prior to the adoption of the ordinances referenced in Section 2, the parties <br />shall reach agreement on the foliowing: <br />(i) A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that will achieve the <br />objectives of this Memorandum; <br />(ii) A projected growth rate for sh\dent membership within the School <br />District's tlu-ee school levels during the ten year life of the CII'; <br />(iii) A methodology for determining the projected grrowflr rate for <br />student membership; and <br />(iv) The number of students at each level expected to be generated by <br />each new housing type (i.e., the "student generation rate"). <br />d. After the adoption of the ordinances referenced in Section 2, the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners may change the projected student <br />membership growth rate, the methodology used to determine this rate, or <br />the student generation rate if the Board concludes that such a change is <br />necessary to predict growth more accurately. Before making any such <br />change, the Board shall receive and consider the reconunendation of a <br />staff committee consisting of the planning directors of the Town(s) and the <br />County and a representative of the School District appointed by the <br />Superintendent. The committee shall provide, in a timely mamier, a copy <br />of its recommendation to the governing bonds of the other parties to this <br />memorurdum at the time it provides such recommendation to the Board of <br />H:\DEPTS\SCHOOLS\SchooisAPFO\apprMDUchccs062303 doc 2 <br />