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~~ <br />ADDENDUM TO <br />SCHOOLS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />This Addendum to the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Memorazidum of <br />Understanding is entered into this day of , ZO_, by az1d among the Town of <br />Carrboro, the Town of Chapel Hill, the Chapel Hill-Canboro City Board of Education and <br />Orazlge County. <br />WHEREAS, school membership within the high school level in the Chapel Hill-Carhoro <br />City School District for the 2004-2005 school year is projected to exceed 110% of building <br />capacity; and <br />WHEREAS, a third high school for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District is in <br />the plamring stage, on the Orange County 10-year CIP azld funding is expected to be committed <br />to the Chapel Hill-Canboro City Board of Education capital expense fiord for this school by <br />Orange County as a result of a combination of bond money, installment financing, impact fees <br />and "pay-as-you-go" CIP revenue; azrd <br />WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the third high school in the Chapel Hill-Carrborro City <br />School District will be completed and high school students will begin attending this <br />school when the 2006-2007 school year begins; and <br />WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the parties to the Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />Memorandum of Understanding among the Town of Carrboro, the Town of Chapel Hill, the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Board of Education and Orange County (hereinafter "the MOU") and <br />to the citizens of Orange County that the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Program be <br />implemented for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District in 200.3 in tandem with the <br />implementation of the Program for the Orange County School District; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this Addendum to the MOU and to the MOU hereby <br />agree that Section 3.g. of the MOU is amended by deleting Section 3.g. and replacing it with the <br />following: <br />Section .3. <br />g. The School District shall determine the amount of available capacity in <br />each school level as of November 15°i in the base year and each <br />November 15'h of the succeeding ten years by subtracting from the <br />building capacity numbers for each of those years the student membership <br />numbers for each of those years. The results shall then be compared with <br />the number of students expected to be added to each school level as of <br />November 15°i in each year (as determined in accordance with subsection <br />3.f above). The School District shall make that information known to the <br />parties to this agreement within 15 days of the comparison. If the School <br />District determines that the projected remaining capacity of each school <br />