Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Appropriated for this project: <br /> Current FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 <br /> FY 2024-25 Amendment Revised <br /> Capital Project Expenditures $8,206,356 $65,250 $8,271,607 <br /> Total Costs $8,206,356 $65,250 $8,271,607 <br /> ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN: This item supports: <br /> • GOAL 5: PUBLIC EDUCATION/LEARNING COMMUNITY <br /> OBJECTIVE 2. Improve school readiness and educational outcomes by providing <br /> access, training, tools, technology, and other resources needed to thrive. <br /> • GOAL 6: DIVERSE AND VIBRANT ECONOMY <br /> OBJECTIVE 6. Provide workforce and business development resources to enhance <br /> the skills of residents of the County. <br /> Health Department <br /> 3. The Orange County Health Department has received $75,256 in state revenue from a <br /> federal pass-through grant to support COVID-19 treatment. This funding comes as part of <br /> the Health and Human Services (HHS) Bridge Access Program for COVID-19 Vaccines <br /> and Treatments which provides funding to help maintain access to COVID-19 vaccines for <br /> uninsured and underinsured adults through existing public health infrastructure, Health <br /> Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported Health Centers, and <br /> participating pharmacies. The funding will be used to cover personnel expenses, medical <br /> supplies, language services, the purchase of two (2) portable vaccine freezers, and other <br /> expenses related to community outreach and clinic events. This amendment increases the <br /> following grant ordinance in the Multi-Year Grant Fund by $75,256: <br /> HHS Bridge Access Program ($75,256) - Project# 71468 <br /> Revenues for this project: <br /> Current FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 <br /> FY 2024-25 Amendment Revised <br /> Grant Funding $23,911 $75,256 $99,167 <br /> Total Project Funding $23,911 $75,256 $99,167 <br /> Appropriated for this project: <br /> Current FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 <br /> FY 2024-25 Amendment Revised <br /> Grant Expenditures $23,911 $75,256 $99,167 <br /> Total Costs $23,911 $75,256 $99,167 <br /> ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN: This item supports: <br /> • GOAL 2: HEALTHY COMMUNITY <br /> OBJECTIVE 2. Expand access to quality, affordable healthcare services. (e.g., Crisis <br /> Diversion facility, Medicaid expansion, crisis response, healthy living campaign). <br /> OBJECTIVE 3. Provide social safety net programming and the resources needed for <br /> our most vulnerable community members (e.g., veterans, unhoused people, foster <br /> children, older adults, etc.). <br />