<br /> Community Engagement Strategy MM Community Engagement Strategy
<br /> Gensler T
<br /> Intentional and meaningful public engagement leads to more impactful,just, \
<br /> and resilient project outcomes(and better design). ��■■■■■■��
<br /> TemporaryActivations Public/Town Hall Website+ Leveraging
<br /> We believe that bringing communities together through a We strive for a transparent public discourse that: a lnstouotions Workshops or Meetings social Medio existing imaat es
<br /> thoughtful,inclusive process is a critical ingredient for success. Engages a Robust Dialogue
<br /> Our methodology invites creativity,agency,and joy into the Promotes Diversity and Inclusion
<br /> approach to create outcomes beyond this effort and build Establishes a Transparent Process
<br /> capacity for your staff and the broader public for years to come. Builds Trust
<br /> Flows Seamless) from In-person to Online Tools cornmun¢y Focus Groups, agent, a Outreach Seamlessly p Events Neighborhood Outreach Signage,Swag Outreach
<br /> Our team brings a dynamic set of tools,and a team of individuals Is Data-Driven and Human-Centric
<br /> with strengths to facilitate participatory,energetic,empathetic, Targets Outreach to a Multiplicity of Constituents
<br /> and meaningful public engagement,executed with justice- Continues the Conversation Beyond the Project ON THE GROUND DIGITAL&PRINT
<br /> centered inclusive practices.Our strengths are unmatched by any
<br /> others in the industry.The process will also leverage community We are out-of-the box designers,employing experience and"take Include different scales of in-person outreach Include different scales and types of
<br /> assets,including community leaders and community-based action"techniques to build on these for outreach best practices. and engagement to build personal relationships communication formats that reinforce
<br /> organizations alignments to result in a collaborative community Build from previous processes and leverage any existing and supplement digital outreach. in-person engagement and expand outreach.
<br /> impact model that strengthens the client's role and partnerships. outreach efforts,relationships,local engagement
<br /> Connect with relevant city agencies,non-profits,and/or other
<br /> Successful engagement will connect with the broad diversity stakeholders We know that change moves at the speed of trust,and our organizational brief exercises,and"gallery walks,"where
<br /> of users,nearby businesses,neighbors,and residents and Consider different modes of outreach from analog to digital projects and engagements are informed by this basic premise. participants can see each other's work pinned up in the room.
<br /> to find means that allow their contributions to hold equal including larger stakeholder workshops,local meet-and-greets, Trust takes time,honesty,follow-through,and consistency. For This encourages community learning,fostering deeper dialogue,
<br /> weight in discourse.Engagement is about listening and digital surveys,and field trips to related spaces, us,engagement process is about building relationships with to result in shared challenges,aspirations and future roles.
<br /> understanding.Great engagement leaves people feeling heard Utilize current structures spanning mobile,online,print and people,and providing the structure,tools,and resources that
<br /> and acknowledged,confirms for people that their opinion in-person methods build on current strengths,while organizing community expertise We will also encourage gathering community-based organizations
<br /> is important,and that their participation will help shape Amplify existing social media outlets through the development process. and partners to participate in focus group conversations and
<br /> the outcome.If constituents come away feeling respected, Engage with existing boards and commissions workshops to articulate shared outcome goals and alignments,
<br /> understood and committed to the success of the project,then Attend events and organizations All of the public engagement conversations will begin with a while also communicating strengths and gaps.As evident in all
<br /> the resultant effort will be not only better for it but will create an warm,gracious welcome,relay the purpose of the gathering,and of our strategic work with civic and community partners,these
<br /> opportunity for everyone to share in the success when we reach facilitate conversations about the strengths of the community. conversations will reveal clearly your contributing role,leveraging
<br /> the finish line with you. Then the fun,the learning,and the"a-ha"moments start. its already trusted position as a powerful convener,connector,
<br /> This setup is then customized in format and activity for each and respected coalition builder
<br /> engagement type.We will design customized formats for each
<br /> PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT IS AN Empowl-tive tiro, throBuilgheadymomentum
<br /> ana�eile�tiveartien tnrougnearlywins engagement touchpoint,building on the team's vast experience. We can design surveys in multiple languages,and are able
<br /> ITERATIVE+ORGANIC PROCESS We will also design new engagement itineraries based on to deploy them on-line and in-person.Our questions garner
<br /> 0� community conditions,our passion forjustice,and our creativity. valuable insight into community member's values,priorities,
<br /> 04
<br /> v The following outlines scenarios based on experience. and challenges.We ask questions about their hobbies,how
<br /> they spend their free time,and what they love about their
<br /> I '
<br /> For one-on-one key stakeholder conversations,we apply a communities.These questions can build on the behavior patterns
<br /> OQ systemized approach,framed around the same questions,as of your current insight.
<br /> I' V designed with your leadership team,to both encourage candor,
<br /> and to lift common themes.This will generate adata-driven input Most critically,we want to think across a spectrum of
<br /> Immerse yourself in the Define key stakeholder Developeogagement e continue to nurture set to reveal key community alignments. outreach and engagement activities that range from digital
<br /> an7munity:history groups and form vision and strategy O� OU trustanddeepen to analog and creatively captures the voices and aspirations
<br /> ontext community advisory relationships With focus groups,we apply best practices for communities of community towards building shared vision and creating
<br /> group
<br /> Document community continually to share their ideas and reflections through small group capacity while we do it.
<br /> memories,stories,and communicate
<br /> suroesses the future vision conversations and ideation,thought-starter worksheets,
<br /> Gensler 1 16 Gensler 1 17
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