Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION HONORING CHAPEL HILL CREAMERY <br />WHEREAS, Orange County seeks to support new agricultural enterprises that enhance farming <br />in the County and provide quality food for its residents, and <br />WHEREAS, one of the first new farms of the 21st century, Chapel Hill Creamery was <br />established in 2001 with 8 Jersey cows and located just outside Carrboro city limits, and <br />WHEREAS, Chapel Hill Creamery uses high quality milk from their 16 Jersey caws to create an <br />expanding variety of specialty farmstead cheeses that are marketed at local farmers markets, to <br />restaurants, and to local grocers, and <br />WHEREAS, the Southern Foodways Alliance, an affiliate of the Center for the Study of Southern <br />Culture at the University of Mississippi, is dedicated to celebrating, preserving, promoting and <br />nurturing the diverse traditional and developing food cultures of the American, and <br />WHEREAS, the Southern Foodways Alliance recently conducted a cheese competition of <br />cheeses in the southern region, and <br />WHEREAS, the judges selected Chapel Hill Creamery's washed rind 'Hickory Grove' as one of <br />the tap 10 cow's milk cheeses in the southern region, noting its "buttery and toasty" flavor; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />expresses its appreciation of and recognizes Chapel Hill Creamery and its owners Portia <br />McKnight and Flo Hawley for their contributions to local agricultural production and far providing <br />a model for successful agricultural enterprises in Orange County. <br />This the 5`h day of December, 2005. <br />Moses Carey, .)r., Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />