Orange County NC Website
~~~~ti~~,~ ~ ~ <br />SMART GROWTH ACTIVITIES <br />PUBLIC SCHOOL DESIGN <br />Orange County and its school districts are recognizing the benefits of using smart growth <br />principles to build and renovate schools to meet the needs of the community. Smart growth can <br />positively affect students, parents, teachers and administrators now and in the future. Schools <br />are among our most important institutions, and can reflect and support important community <br />values, <br />Smart Growth schools can: <br />Inspire our ,youth to embrace a wa,y of life that preserves resources and creates and <br />maintains a sustainable legacy <br />Develop greater community involvement <br />• Improve environmental quality <br />Improve student health <br />Improve academic achievement <br />Save money <br />Improve safety <br />Since World War 1! private sector development has followed the inefficient and costly pattern of <br />'sprawl' growth. This pattern, to a large degree, has become ingrained in the behavior of most <br />people as they conduct their daily activities and has driven school district facility planning. This <br />unconscious system of greater and greater reliance on automobiles has directly led to air <br />pollution and health problems and indirectly led to higher taxes, and to loss of time and reduced <br />quality <br />of life. <br />Alternative transportation methods to reduce traffic are the primary off-site community-wide <br />initiatives. <br />1. TRANSPORTATION <br />A. MASS TRANSPORTATION <br />B STUDENT DRIVING AND HEAL TH <br />O ROAD AND PEDESTRIAN OIROULA TION AND IMPROVEMENTS <br />D TEOHNOLOGYIINNOVA TION <br />II. ENVIRONMENT AND AIR QUALITY <br />A. STORMWA TERANA TER QUALITY <br />8. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION <br />C SITE PLANNING ATTRIBUTES <br />III. COMMUNITYAWARENESS <br />IV. MIXED USE <br />G: ,AJminisu~uli~c Un („issic S~huuL;Sinnn Gu~~~ih P:~6c i? rd <br />