Orange County NC Website
/7~~ir~re~.~ ~ ~~ <br /> <br />Greater Triangle Regional Council <br />AIR QUALITY IN THE TRIANGLE REGION <br />EXECUTIVE SiJMMARY <br />In Mazch 2002, the GTRC identified that the Triangle was in violation of the federal 8-hour <br />standazd for ground-level ozone and would be designated nonattainment of this standazd by the <br />USEPA on April 15, 2004. In June 2003, GTRC formed an air quality task force to promote and <br />coordinate strategies tc improve air quality in the Triangle region of North Cazolina. The GTRC <br />asked the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) to provide a report that would <br />inform GTRC and Triangle community members about the current and projected status of air <br />quality and air pollution control in the greater Triangle region. The full report is available at the <br />GTRC website; or the NCDAQ website, <br />Cleaning up the air is a complex and cosily challenge. The region's failure to meet <br />national air quality standards affects its physical, environmental and economic health, Dirty air <br />increases health Gaze costs, causes deaths, harms the environment; impedes transportation <br />projects, and makes it difficult to attract and retain businesses and residents, drives up the costs <br />of doing business and the cost of living through increased regulations. <br />The report focuses an ozone because it is the pollutant of greatest concern, from both a <br />health and regulatory perspective, at this time. However, NCDAQ is algo concerned about fine <br />particle levels in the Triangle, which are currently meeting the federal standard but aze close to <br />the level of the standard, Fine particles pose a potentially serious health risk to some members of <br />the public, and aze addressed in the report. <br />The report discusses: (1) the levels, health risks, and sources of ground-level ozone and <br />fine particles; (2) current and proposed state and federal controls on emissions contributing to <br />these pollutants; (3) current and projected future levels of ozone precursor emissions; and (4) <br />actions needed to sustain good air quality in future yeazs. <br />The emissions data presented in this report are for the 8 county nonattainment designated <br />region comprising Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Orange, Person, Wake <br />counties. <br />The North Carolina Division of Air Quality is a division of the North Carolina <br />Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). NCDAQ is responsible for <br />protecting and improving outdoor air quality in North Cazolina. To carry out this mission, <br />NCDAQ has programs for monitoring air quality, pernutting and inspecting air emissions <br />sources, and educating and informing the public about air quality issues. NCDAQ also enforces <br />state and federal air pollution regulafions. For more information on NCDAQ programs, please <br />visit the NCDAQ website at <br />