Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> Executive Summary <br /> ES-05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b) <br /> Introduction <br /> The Orange County, North Carolina, HOME Consortium (known locally as the Local Government <br /> Affordable Housing Collaborative) is a Participating Jurisdiction in the U.S. Department of Housing& <br /> Urban Development's(HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). Under the HOME <br /> program, local governments can join together to form a consortium to receive HOME funding for <br /> affordable housing.The Orange County HOME Consortium is made up of four members: Orange County, <br /> the Town of Carrboro,the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Hillsborough. Orange County serves as <br /> the lead entity for the Consortium.The Town of Chapel Hill also receives federal Community <br /> Development Block Grant (CDBG)funding each year. <br /> The primary purpose of the HOME program is to increase the supply of affordable housing. Participating <br /> Jurisdictions have the opportunity to identify and choose the housing activities that best meet local <br /> housing needs.To ensure HOME-assisted housing increases the supply of affordable housing, an <br /> affordability period, during which a property must remain affordable to low-income households, is <br /> required for assisted properties and income limits are required for eligible households. <br /> HUD requires jurisdictions that receive HOME and CDBG funds to prepare and submit a Five Year <br /> Consolidated Plan to define an approach to creating affordable housing opportunities within the <br /> jurisdiction using federal and other funding sources.The Plan describes identified community needs, <br /> available resources, housing priorities, and proposed activities under the HOME program for the entirety <br /> of Orange County, as well as those specific to Chapel Hill for the CDBG program. The Plan establishes the <br /> Consortium's goals for the next five-year period and outlines the specific initiatives the Consortium and <br /> its member jurisdictions will undertake to address their needs and objectives by promoting the <br /> rehabilitation and construction of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing, creating a suitable <br /> living environment, removing slums and blighting conditions, affirmatively furthering fair housing, <br /> improving public services, expanding economic opportunities, and other activities principally benefitting <br /> low-and moderate-income persons. <br /> This Consolidated Plan is a collaborative effort of the Consortium members,the community at large, <br /> social service agencies, County and Town officials, housing providers, community development agencies, <br /> and other relevant groups.The planning process was accomplished through a series of public meetings, <br /> stakeholder interviews, resident surveys,statistical data, and review of previous community <br /> development plans.The planning process has also involved analysis of HUD Comprehensive Housing <br /> Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data, which provides statistical data on housing needs,to prepare its <br /> estimates and projections, 2007-2011 American Community Survey Estimates, and the 2010 U.S. <br /> Census. This data is the most current information available to assess housing needs, homeless needs, <br /> social service needs, economic development needs, and other related needs. <br /> The Federal Fiscal Year begins October 1st and ends September 30th of each year.The Orange County <br /> Fiscal Year, and HOME Program Year, begin July 1st and end June 30th of each year.The Federal Fiscal <br /> FFY 2020—2024 Orange County, NC HOME Consortium 5 <br /> Consolidated Plan <br /> OMB Control No:2506-0117(exp.06/30/2018) <br />