Orange County NC Website
19 <br />Revised 01/24 <br />DEFINITIONS <br />Item on Form Definition <br />CURRENT ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST <br />Attach basis and justification for estimate. Include description, quantities, units, <br />special features, similar cost on recent projects, etc. <br />A. 1. Demolition Includes but may not be limited to lead or asbestos testing and removal, building or <br />interior space demolition in whole or part. <br />A. 2. Site Work Includes but may not be limited to grading, excavating, poor soils or rock removal, <br />utilities relocation, roads, walks, parking, streambank repairs, stormwater <br />management, retaining walls, rainwater harvesting systems, landscaping. <br />B. 1. Utility Services Attach explanation of any special building, mechanical, or electrical service <br />requirements with appropriate distance to existing buildings, water, gas, electrical or <br />other utility service. <br />B. 9. Associated Construction Costs Includes but may not be limited to construction fire alarm testing, utility shut downs, <br />utilities, signage, security, displaced parking, staging, lock cores, keys, permits. <br />B. 10. Other List other signficant sources of cost not included elsewhere. Additional lines may be <br />added if needed. <br />PRECONSTRUCTION <br />COSTS <br />Includes but may not be limited to land surveys, lead/asbestos surveys, <br />environmental assessments, copying, postage, costs of print advertising, and <br />destructive testing. For CM at Risk, preconstruction costs are consistent with the <br />requirements of the preconstruction services agreement. <br />CONTINGENCIES Unanticipated or unforseen conditions including but not limited to design error and <br />omissions, concealed site conditions, utility conflicts, and extended overhead <br />resulting from weather or other delay. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: F53FB4E0-B0D6-4E95-94C9-51D1A7F1B494