Orange County NC Website
<br />ORANGE COUNTY GOVERNMENT <br />MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR <br />THE USE OF FACILITIES AS A COLD WEATHER SHELTER <br /> <br /> <br />This Agreement is made and entered into between Orange County, a political subdivision of the <br />State of North Carolina (hereinafter, “County”), and University Baptist Church of Chapel Hill, Inc., <br />a North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation (hereinafter, “Owner”) situated at 100 South Columbia <br />Street, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. <br /> <br />Orange County is dedicated to ensuring the appropriate and efficient response to emergencies <br />throughout Orange County. Orange County also plans for the Orange County response to a <br />disaster and other complex emergencies. The parties hereto mutually desire to reach an <br />understanding that will result in making the aforesaid facilities of Owner available to the County <br />for the use as an emergency overnight shelter during extreme winter weather events. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein <br />and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br /> <br />1. The Owner agrees to allow the County use of its basement space, including bathrooms and <br />kitchen, at 100 S. Columbia Street in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (the “Shelter”) as an <br />emergency overflow shelter during cold weather ("White Flag") nights where the <br />temperature reaches 32 degrees or below. Owner will ensure access by the County no later <br />than 7:00 pm on forecasted White Flag nights and continuously until 8:00am the following <br />morning. <br /> <br />2. On these White Flag nights, the County will operate an overnight emergency shelter for up <br />to Twenty (20) individuals inside the Shelter. The County will provide coordination, staffing, <br />and supplies for the Shelter and will ensure individuals using the Shelter vacate the Shelter <br />by 8:00 a.m. on the morning following a White Flag night. The Owner will allow the County <br />to keep supplies for the Shelter operation in a closet or room of their choosing, including but <br />not limited to folding cots, blankets coffee maker, water and snack supplies. The County will <br />also provide professional cleaning services, as described below, on weekday mornings <br />following White Flag nights that the Shelter is open. <br /> <br />3. County shall exercise reasonable care in conducting its activities in the Shelter and further <br />agrees that it shall use its own food and supplies during its use of the Shelter. Should <br />County use Owner’s foods or supplies, County agrees to replace or reimburse Owner for <br />such foods or supplies belonging to Owner that may be used by the County in the conduct <br />of its relief activities in the Shelter. Such foods or supplies of the Owner shall be catalogued <br />by Owner during the walkthrough of the Shelter and the catalogued items provided to <br />County in list form prior to opening of the Shelter. <br /> <br />4. Owner and County should remain in contact during the operation of the Shelter. The County <br />will have primary responsibility for the operation of the Shelter and will designate a County <br />official from the Orange County Housing Department, to manage the sheltering activities. <br />The Owner will designate a representative to coordinate with the County regarding the use <br />of the Shelter by the County. The County is responsible for the accommodations necessary <br />for the special needs population. Additionally, the Owner should provide 24-hour contact <br />Docusign Envelope ID: AE6B8652-DF6F-4A68-82FB-137C9C45C988