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3 <br />1. <br />A. <br />B. <br />2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />The Fast Fire Watch Company Services Agreement - Terms & Conditions <br />Services to Be Performed. Luxlion Incorporated, d/b/a The Fast Fire Watch Company (hereinafter, <br />“Contractor”) shall furnish the following Services, found in subsection 1.(A) of this Agreement, to <br />Customer, subject to the terms and conditions herein. <br />Community-Based Fire Watch Patrol. Contractor shall perform Community-Based Fire Watch Patrol <br />Tours, which shall consist of mobile patrols of Customer’s Location(s), manned by unarmed fire watch <br />personnel, performed in accordance with the times, Location(s), and frequencies specified within this <br />proposal. Fire watch personnel performing such tours shall (i) evaluate the Location(s) for fire hazards; <br />(ii) use 911 as needed; and (iii) maintain patrol logs for inspection (hereinafter, “Services”). Contractor’ <br />s Services do not include any security-related services not specifically related to fire hazards. <br />If an incident occurs requiring the Customer’s immediate attention, Contractor shall notify Customer as <br />soon as practicable after learning of the incident by calling the Emergency Contact provided by <br />Customer. <br />Delegation of Services. Contractor may perform the Services itself or may delegate the performance of <br />some or all of the Services to one or more of its franchisees and/or subcontractors. Contractor’s <br />franchisees and/or subcontractors may likewise delegate the performance of Services to their <br />subcontractors. <br />Duties of Customer. In support of the Services to be provided under this Agreement, Customer shall, at <br />its expense, make adequate provision for the following: (i) advising Contractor of any and all hazards <br />at the Location(s) and dangerous activities being conducted at the Location(s); (ii) maintaining the <br />Location(s) free from unreasonable hazards and unreasonably dangerous activities; and (iii) providing <br />training to all of Customer’s employees, vendors, and contractors as to the nature of Contractor’s <br />operations at the Location(s) and as to such other matters as may be reasonably requested by <br />Contractor and/or necessary in order to allow Contractor to perform the Services. <br />Payment. For the Services Contractor provides hereunder, Customer agrees to pay Contractor <br />according to the rates set forth in the Estimate. Contractor shall submit an invoice to Customer <br />according to the schedule selected on the Estimate, but no less often than weekly. Customer shall remit <br />payment in full for each invoice within seven (7) days after receipt of the same. In the event that <br />Customer should fail to make payment in full of any invoice when due, the amount due under such <br />invoice shall bear interest at the rate of one and two-and-a-half percent (2 1/2 %) per month, or the <br />highest rate allowed by law, whichever is less. Should Customer fail to make payment in full of any <br />invoice, Customer shall be liable to Contractor for all costs of enforcing the terms of this Agreement, <br />including but not limited to attorney’s fees. Customer shall notify of any cancellations within a time <br />frame of twelve (12) hours prior to the Service, Customer shall incur a cancellation fee equal to one <br />shift if Customer fails to observe the reasonable time frame, except that any retainer received from <br />Customer that is unused will remain non-refundable. Should Customer fail to make payment on any <br />invoice, Customer hereby acknowledges that it has been unjustly enriched and pursuant to the theories <br />of unjust enrichment and estoppel Contractor may place a lien on Customer’s property, or in the <br />absence of real property, the Customer’s company assets. Contractor’s lien and/or liens shall take <br />priority over any and all non-mortgage liens. <br />Price Changes and Fuel Surcharges. Contractor may increase prices for Services or impose a fuel <br />surcharge from time to time by giving notice to the Customer either in writing or by notation on a <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 7BD29372-9C57-444E-BCFB-08BC7A7C8303