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10 <br /> that executions do not resume in North Carolina. She thanked the Board for this proclamation. <br /> She said to her knowledge, this is the first governing body to adopt a resolution like this. <br /> Dewey Williams said he went to death row earlier in the day and had a Bible study with 15 <br /> men there. He said they all deserve life and retribution is not the avenue for our sins. He thanked <br /> the Board for adopting this resolution tonight. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what time the events start on Friday. <br /> Sally Freeman said the walk starts at 10:00 am two miles north of Efland and the Potluck <br /> starts that evening at 6:00 pm followed by the program at 6:30 pm. <br /> Noelle Nickle said there is also a shuttle for those who may not be able to walk the whole <br /> way. <br /> e. Fire Prevention Week Proclamation <br /> The Board approved a proclamation designating the week of October 6 through 12, 2024 as Fire <br /> Prevention Week in Orange County. <br /> BACKGROUND: Fire Prevention Week is celebrating its 102nd year, the longest running health <br /> campaign, to honor the brave firefighters and first responders who risk their lives to protect us <br /> every day and reaffirm the importance of fire safety and preparedness. <br /> Fire Prevention Week was started by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in 1922 to <br /> commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Fire Prevention Week teaches children and adults <br /> how to stay safe in the event of a fire. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the first <br /> National Fire Prevention Week to occur from October 4 through October 10, 1925. President <br /> Coolidge stated that, "This waste results from the conditions which justify a sense of shame and <br /> horror; for the greater part of it could and ought to be prevented... It is highly desirable that every <br /> effort be made to reform the conditions which have made possible so vast a destruction of the <br /> national wealth." <br /> The Great Chicago Fire burned from October 8 to October 10, 1871, with most of the damage <br /> occurring on October 9th. The fire caused roughly $200 million in damages, killing approximately <br /> 300 people, and destroying over 17,000 buildings and structures. The consequences were more <br /> than just fire damage itself, as martial law had to be declared after an outbreak of looting and <br /> lawlessness. <br /> Fire impacts a community financially, including lost tax revenue, reduced tourism and business <br /> investment, downgraded bonds, and reduced real estate values. This week, all people in Orange <br /> County should educate themselves about fire prevention and safety and recommit to taking the <br /> necessary steps to prevent fires. The year's theme, "Smoke alarms: Make them work for you.", <br /> serves to remind us of the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. <br />