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18 <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the major projects and high priority needs are not <br /> attached to enrollments. She said that the percentage split should be pretty robust unless there <br /> is a huge drop-off in attendance. She said that those projects will need to be done regardless of <br /> enrollment. She said rewriting it for what they expect, given what they have laid out. <br /> Kirk Vaughn noted that in the June 4th abstract there is similar language that reads, "...the <br /> goal is to provide approximately..." <br /> Vice-Chair Greene said that while a future board can change the policy, it is helpful to <br /> have it because it is an irritation against changing. She said that they took a vote of how it will be <br /> spent and did not think they should change it to ADM. <br /> Chair Bedford agreed. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if it is necessary to include that some of the funds may <br /> increase 2% annually. She asked what that is based on and said they need more flexibility. <br /> Kirk Vaughn said those two numbers represent current county practice and is already what <br /> is happening. He said that if they do not want that to continue, they can change that in this policy. <br /> Chair Bedford said she would not want to tie a County Manager's hands like that, and it <br /> should be flexible. <br /> Travis Myren said one way to approach that is to explain how it is currently programmed <br /> in the CIP. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the word "currently" gives an out. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said maybe they need to look at the needs are and if they are <br /> meeting them. She said if not, they should look into what they should do differently. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how soon Orange County Schools will know what <br /> projects they will use bond funds for. <br /> Travis Myren said the proposed projects are flexible and it is a replacement elementary <br /> school to be determined, a significant renovation project, and replacement of Orange Middle <br /> School. He said it allows them to identify the details. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked Commissioner McKee if these are the same as what <br /> he is understanding from the community. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the replacement of Orange Middle School is up for discussion. <br /> Travis Myren said that had not come up before in the bond education committee <br /> discussions. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she had also heard something similar. <br /> Chair Bedford said they have to remind people that there is a minimal annual review, and <br /> the projects can change but it has to go to the commissioners and that will provide public input. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said that a project manager was discussed at one point. <br /> Chair Bedford said no decision had been made on project management. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said the percentages of 59.86% and 40.14% covered what is <br /> needed. <br />