Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Slide#3 <br /> Project Goals <br /> 1. Develop operating and capital transit improvements for Orange County <br /> 2. Review Orange County's potential transit funding resources, beyond the <br /> county transit tax <br /> 3. Create a detailed implementation plan for FY2026 to FY2030 and <br /> recommendations for the post-FY2030 time frame <br /> 4. Use Plan recommendations as inputs for the next Long Range Transit Plan <br /> Slide#4 <br /> Plan Goals, Objectives and Metrics <br /> Equity <br /> -Prioritize the transit needs of underserved or transit dependent residents,includes historically disinvested communities <br /> of color,lower-incame neighborhoods,seniors,and rural communities <br /> Economic Prosperity <br /> -Prioritize increasing access tojobs and opportunities <br /> Environmental 5ustai na bility <br /> -Proritize accessible and convenient transit service in areas with existing or planned higherdensity development <br /> -Increase community awareness of all modes of transportation including transit,bike and pedestrian,vehicle,and all <br /> other modes <br /> Transportation&Access for All <br /> -Prioritize transit service that increases transit access for the most people to the most places <br /> Affordable&Attainable Quality of Life <br /> -Prioritize transit service connections to affordable housing,recreation,and arts and cultural opportunities <br /> Identify priorities and resources necessary to implement the Orange County Transit Plan <br /> Nishith Trivedi said these plan goals and objectives are informed by the Orange County <br /> Strategic Plan. <br />