Agenda - 05-04-2004-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-2004
Agenda - 05-04-2004-5l
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9/1/2008 11:44:13 PM
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8/29/2008 10:41:39 AM
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Introduction Page 6 of l I~ <br />`` J <br />a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Administration.. <br />b Project management services (Capital Improvements Program, Drainage Assistance Program, NC <br />Big Sweep coordination, public education programs, etc.). <br />c. Liaison with local, State, and federal officials (Federal Emergency Management Agency, NC <br />Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Emergency Management, Orange County, <br />neighboring communities, etc) concerning erosion control, Total Maximum Daily Load <br />planning, local watershed planning and public education programming. <br />d. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program project identification and implementation. <br />e. Providing technical assistance to other Town staff, Manager and Attorney. <br />f Preparing reports and technical papers far the Manager and the Council. <br />g. Monitoring and reporting on NPDES Phase-II permit compliance.. <br />h, Biological stream sampling, coordination and data management. <br />i. Ambient water quality sampling and data management.. <br />j. Responding to citizen requests-for-assistance regarding water quality and quantity questions and <br />issues. <br />k. Providing development review and comments. <br />1. Hazard Mitigation Plan development and implementation.. <br />m. Developing and providing Geographic Information System (GIS) products and managing GIS <br />database(s). <br />n. Performing stream classifications and delineating RCDs. <br />o. Developing a comprehensive Townwide storm sewer infrastructure inventory and map. <br />p, Preparing and revising the Town Design Manual and Standard Details including technical <br />provisions and engineering methods. <br />q. Develop and implement a Stormwater Management Utility Program. <br />r. Provide liaison with public and private sector representatives with regard to starmwater <br />management issues. <br />We need an additional staff engineer to provide an adequate level of service in responding to present and <br />expected stormwater management demands, This position is necessary whether or not a Stormwater <br />Management Utility is established. <br />The estimated annual salary and benefits cost of the new position is $75,000, <br />4 Canital Improvements Program Reserve Fund <br />The Town currently has no reserve fund for drainage infrastructure capital improvements.. There is a <br />current backlog of known capital projects that need attention. We anticipate that additional capital <br />improvements needs will be identified as a result of master planning activities, The recommended <br />pragram would establish a reserve fund with a yeaz-one allocation of $60,000 for capital improvements <br />project.. This reserve amount could be adjusted in future yeazs in response to the program master plan <br />recommendations and schedule.. <br />5. Emer~encv Reserve Fund <br />An emergency reserve fiord would provide for unexpected and emergency projects and/or activities that <br />require immediate response. The recommended program would establish a reserve fund allocation of <br />$50,000 in year one.. <br />6. Reimbursement of Costs Incurred <br />The recommended program includes full reimbursement from the Utility to the General Fund of all costs <br />http://townhall.townofchapelhill. org/agendas/ca040426/7-Stormwater%20i.7tility%204-26- ,. 4/26/2004 <br />
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