Agenda - 05-04-2004-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-2004
Agenda - 05-04-2004-5l
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9/1/2008 11:44:13 PM
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8/29/2008 10:41:39 AM
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Introduction <br />RECOMMENDED PROGR~IM COST SUMMARY <br />Page 8 of I I <br />~~ <br />The total estimated first year cost for the recommended program is $2,031,255. Attachment 2 is a draft <br />operating budget document and budget details for program year 2004-OS, assuming the Utility is <br />established effective July 1, 2004.. <br />The following table summarizes estimated program revenues and costs far the first year of the <br />recommended program. <br />DESCRIPTION 2004-OS Estimated Bud et <br />TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES 2,031,255 <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Personnel 297,730 <br />Operations 429,525 <br />Capital 125,500 <br />Other reimburse sunk costs; fund balance 1,178 500 <br />TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 2,031,255 <br />The annual program budget is expected to remain stable between $2 and $2,5 million over the first five <br />program years, subject to changes directed by the Council in response to program master plan <br />recommendations <br />BII..LING AND COLLECTIONS <br />We recommend that billing and collections be administered through Orange County. We are currently <br />negotiating the scope and costs of billing and collection services necessary to support the Utility.. We <br />estimate that first year costs for these services would be approximately $68,000. We will continue <br />billing and collection discussions with Orange County with the objective of creating an inter-local <br />service agreement for consideration by the Council if it decides to establish a utility as recommended. <br />Billing for Chapel Hill properties in Durham County will be handled through a private contractor.. <br />EQUIVALENT RATE LTNTT (ERU) FEE <br />The program recommended by the Manager includes an ERU fee of $45.00 per year per ERIJ. We <br />believe it would be prudent to establish an initial fee that could support the program over a period of <br />several yeazs and that the proposed $45.00 annual fee would be sufficient for the first three years of the <br />program. We anticipate that the cost of services could increase aver time because of increasing <br />regulatory requirements and depending on the schedule for implementation of work identified in the <br />program master plan. The fee rate would need to be periodically reevaluated in response to these <br />changes. <br />The recommended program would exempt State and Town public rights-of••way from assessment of fees <br />because public roads and streets collect and convey stotmwater runoff as an integral part of the public <br />drainage system infrastructure.. <br />Property owned by the i.Iniversity would not be included in making the initial estimate of total <br />Equivalent Rate Units. It is our understanding of the law that the University would be subject to the <br />http://townha(l.townofchapelhill org/agendas/ca040426/7-Stormwater%20Utility%204-26-_. 4/26/2004 <br />
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