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Introduction <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />f'~ <br />incurred far the development and implementation of the stormwater management utility.. This would <br />include the cost of consulting services, advertising, committee meetings and other direct expenses <br />associated with the Utility development.. <br />We believe that the recoverable casts total about $402,000. Attachment 4 provides the details of the <br />reimbursement amount.. <br />7. Establishment of Ten Percent Fund Balance <br />We recommend that the utility establish a ten percent fund balance. General financial management <br />standards for local governments mandate positive fund balances, and recommend that they be <br />maintained at a minimum of 8-12% to ensure that operational reserves are in place to provide a stable <br />operating cash flow and to provide for contingencies. <br />The estimated cost of establishing and maintaining a 10% fund balance is approximately $188,000 in <br />yeaz one. <br />8. Purchase of Existing Services from the General Fund <br />The costs of existing stormwater management related services that are provided by the Town, and that <br />are currently paid for through the Town's General Fund, could be billed to the stormwater Management <br />Utility. These include costs of direct services provided by the Public Works, Inspections, and <br />Engineering Departnnents in addition to indirect costs for general management, financial control and <br />reporting and other services. We recommend the same charge as is made to other Funds, 13,55% of <br />payroll costs. This is estimated to be $27,000.. <br />We estimate that CTeneral Fund direct costs ($751,000) plus general overhead costs ($27,000) that would <br />be billable to the stormwater Management Utility are approximately $778,000 per year. Attachment 5 <br />provides a detailed summary table of General Fund costs that we believe could be billed to the <br />Stonnwater Management Utility, <br />9. Office Snace Needs <br />If the Utility is established as proposed, and two new staff are hired in year one as recommended, we <br />would require office space outside of Town Hall. Sufficient space is not available in Town Hall or in <br />any other suitable Town building for two additional people with necessary furniture and equipment. We <br />have evaluated the space needs and determined that approximately 1000 square feet of office space <br />would be necessary for the two new staff members and the two existing employees, along with storage <br />and conference space needed far the program. This work space estimate is consistent with comparable <br />areas now serving similar functions in Town Hall. <br />The estimated cast for office space, fumiture, phones, computers, supplies, and office equipment is <br />$76,500 in year one, Attachment 7 provides a summary of the relevant costs. <br />http://townhall.townofchapelhill org/agendas/ca040426/7-Stormwater%20Utility%204-26-.. 4/26/2004 <br />