Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />In preparing the fees for this task, the ENGINEER has assumed that all Contract Documents will <br />be provided electronically in .pdf to bidders through the County’s website. Print copies of the <br />Contract Documents will not be provided to bidders by the ENGINEER. <br />If re-bidding of the project is necessary due to an insufficient number of bidders, a bid irregularity, <br />or at the desire of the OWNER and through no fault of the ENGINEER, ENGINEER may request <br />additional compensation for handling the re-bid. <br />ENGINEER will assist the OWNER in evaluating the bids by preparing bid tabulations, reviewing <br />the bids for accuracy and completeness, reviewing the required document qualification <br />information contained in the contract documents, and determining the acceptability of contractors, <br />suppliers, and substitute equipment. <br />Within 10 business days of the OWNER providing bid documents to ENGINEER, ENGINEER will <br />make a recommendation to the OWNER for the best-qualified, responsive, responsible bidder to <br />award the contract. <br />If additional work is necessitated by re-evaluation of the bids/bidders or by disqualification of the <br />low bidder(s), additional fees may be requested. <br />Task 5 – Construction Administration <br />ENGINEER, through its subconsultant, will provide the following construction administration <br />services: <br />1. Review and accept, as appropriate, shop drawings and submittals as required by the <br />Contract Documents. Return unacceptable submittals to contractor as required until <br />compliance with specifications is realized. <br />2. Hold a pre-construction meeting with the successful contractor to ensure a clear <br />understanding of the plans and specifications. <br />3. Certify Contractor's monthly invoicing based on status of work performed as determined <br />from project site visits. <br />4. Route any change orders developed to address changes to the contract requirements. <br />5. Upon notification by the contractor that the job is substantially complete, a substantial <br />completion inspection will be conducted with REI, Owner, Contractor and Manufacturer <br />personnel. A punch list will be prepared to list any minor items that require further <br />treatment. <br />6. Upon notification by the contractor that the job is fully complete, a final inspection will be <br />conducted with REI, contractor and Owner personnel. A final inspection report will be <br />submitted upon verifying completion or if necessary, an additional punch list will be <br />prepared. <br />7. Upon completion of work, verify compliance of warranties and forward to Owner with close <br />out documents and final billing. <br />Task 6 – Construction Quality Assurance <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 7D5599C2-324B-4935-846D-ABC72AC2C8C6