Orange County NC Website
act-26-tuU~ Ua:zaam rram- ~ooR+2407 PAGE 444'•• •'• ••' <br />E[igi6la Replacement Property <br />• Appifoams Dan purchase any oliglbla proporty within rho Orange County corporate limits. <br />• The repleeemenc property must be located oatslde of the floodplaln. <br />• The roploeemens home must meet minimum Itouslug Dodo standards. <br />Login Tezms <br />All supplements shall be in the Corm of a dofoned loan. All Deferred Loans ehali be secured by n <br />Deed of?rasa The Deterred Loon will bo secrared against the property for a period of ten years, <br />As Long es the homeowner does not sell the property end continues to occupy [Ile property ns the <br />primary residence within the [en-year period, lire Iten will be automoticelly released. After the <br />Fifth yeor, the loan will ba forglvon nt a rem of 20% per year 1br the five-year period. In the event <br />the homeownsr sells, transfers or no longer occupies the property as their primary residence <br />withSit the ten•yeer period, the loan wiii become due and payable. <br />6 d 8480 ~N 6=u~o}}y '6asne0 aiuuil WdLO Z SOOZ tZ A0N <br />