Orange County NC Website
1/30/24, 2:24 PM HSOA-24-48 <br /> 12/17 <br />Primary Contact's Phone Number <br />919-968-2168 <br />Primary Contact's Email Address <br /> <br />Describe the proposed program and the target population to benefit from the program. Please also <br />explain how the program aligns with the Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Human Services Program <br />Results Framework and/or Orange County's BOCC Goals and Priorities (250 words or less). <br />Bounce Back after-school program is designed to provide 60 middle school <br />students with a minimum of 36 weeks of programming during the academic <br />calendar year and 6 additional weeks during the summer break to improve <br />academic performance and increase their sense of self-efficacy to be successful <br />in both the classroom and the wider community. Our Bounce Back program <br />model offers three core components-academic reinforcement, social and <br />emotional learning and skill-building and service learning opportunities. <br />While there are no factors that would preclude a student from participating in our <br />after-school program, we target program recruitment to students who are at risk <br />of academic failure, have patterns of truancy and/or multiple instances of <br />exclusionary discipline (i.e., In-School Suspension, out of school suspension). <br />Students will experience a total of 42 weeks of engaging activities allowing <br />students to build problem-solving skills, improve language, math, and science <br />academic skills, attend learning excursions, and participate in hands-on engaging <br />enrichment activities. During the academic and summer programs, all students <br />will participate in an evidence-based Social and Emotional Wellness <br />curriculum. The goal is for students to develop a sound decision-making process, <br />and avoid and or reduce engaging in negative behavior infractions such as in/out <br />of school suspensions, which negatively affect student learning. <br />The program is part of a community network of human services that protects <br />and promotes the well-being of youth, champions education at all levels (BOCC <br />Goals and Priorities), and helps children improve their education outcomes <br />(Strategic Objective 1). <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1E46DA1E-0260-4212-A023-FEA4EE5C1439