Orange County NC Website
4 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />• Branded Project Website - The Clarion team will prepare a branded project website that will <br />become the heart of the plan’s communica�ons. The site will contain presenta�on materials from <br />workshops and other engagement opportuni�es, the project schedule and process graphic, <br />informa�on on engagement events and project mee�ngs, a document inventory, and host dra�s <br />of the plan. It could include project background, resources, news, and informa�on about how to <br />get involved. <br />• Public Engagement Coordina�on - The Clarion team will leverage the cloud-based Project <br />Management Plan to document the public engagement and publicity approach for each <br />community engagement window. This will outline engagement objec�ves, engagement window <br />scheduling, engagement approach for each engagement window, and other details. This tool will <br />be a working guide to public engagement and will be updated throughout the process. <br />Summary of Phase 1: Launch Project <br />Deliverables: <br />Clarion Team Responsibilities County Staff Responsibilities <br />• Project Management Plan <br />• Context Mapping <br />• Data Request Memo <br />• Project Branding <br />• Scheduling Stakeholder Interviews and preparing <br />summary of interviews <br />• Project Website <br />• Participate in kick-off meetings and situation <br />mapping <br />• Provide data and GIS <br />• Coordinate logistics for and scheduling of meetings <br />for all but stakeholder interviews <br />• Affirm project branding materials and review <br />project website <br />• Monthly project management meeting <br />Meetings: <br />• Staff Meeting <br />• Staff Working Group Meeting #1, in-person <br />• Reconnaissance Tour <br />• Stakeholder Interviews <br />Schedule <br />Duration: One month after project initiation <br /> <br />PHASE 2: IDENTIFY NEW ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES <br />Phase 2 focuses on understanding the guidance and community inputs in the County’s new Strategic Plan <br />and other County plans and launching the project with greater public. The purpose of this phase is to <br />confirm the new issues and opportuni�es iden�fied in Phase 1 and capture feedback from the Staff <br />Working Group and the public on poten�al new policy direc�ons for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />Phase 2 will overlap with Phase 3 to provide opportuni�es to educate the public about the County’s key <br />trends and planning influences. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Phase 2.1: Develop Current Policy Profile <br />The Clarion team will prepare an exis�ng policy summary document that synthesizes the policy guidance <br />included in relevant County plans including the future Strategic Plan, the One Orange County Racial Equity <br />Plan, Orange County Transit Plan, Parks Master Plan, all exis�ng land use and small area plans, and a <br />summary of recently adopted municipal plans. This policy profile will be organized to provide a concise <br />summary of policy guidance provided by planning topic. It will iden�fy the general direc�on of policies on <br />different topics and the document providing this direc�on. This document will serve as the baseline of <br />County policies for developing the new plan’s policies. The Clarion team will work with County Staff to <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 2F54EEBA-6C13-43F3-887E-A6D71664C723