2024-613-E-IT Dept-Bibliocommons Corp -Software implementation and annual subscription fee
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2024-613-E-IT Dept-Bibliocommons Corp -Software implementation and annual subscription fee
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11/19/2024 2:29:52 PM
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11/19/2024 2:29:18 PM
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<br /> <br /> <br />“D” - 3 <br />DATA QUALITY <br />In order to facilitate BiblioCommons data transfers and the sharing of information among patrons and libraries, <br />BiblioCommons has deployed the following minimum standards for data, which are preconditions for the Service. <br />BiblioCommons has worked with other libraries to develop these standards based on the demands of both the ILS and the <br />user experience. <br />MARC and Patron Data <br />BiblioCommons’ requirements for MARC mapping reflect typical cataloguing practice: <br />● Use of AACR2 or RDA and MARC21 standards for Bibliographic and Authority data; <br />● Authority and Bibliographic records must be exportable separately with corresponding links between the two. <br /> <br />Subscriber will complete a survey describing a set of rules that can be used across all bib records to isolate key data for <br />mapping into BiblioCommons schemas, including for example and without limitation: <br />● Format values (e.g., DVD, Braille book) <br />● Audience values: Adult, Teen, Children <br />● Fiction/Non-fiction/Other <br />BiblioCommons will only support character sets and character-set encoding practices typical in library environments. <br />BiblioCommons reserves the right not to support nonstandard library data practices and practices that require custom parsing <br />of data. <br />Identifiers and Other Required Fields <br />● Library records must have persistent identifiers over time. For example, record numbers must persist for any <br />batch delete and re-add process of the same set of records. <br />● All key elements such as patron identification, bibliographic record identification and item identification must <br />have a unique permanent identifier <br />○ For example, if a patron loses their library card, their barcode may change, but the new barcode must <br />reference the same unique permanent identifier. <br />○ Universal identifiers should be in place for all bibliographic records where practically possible. <br />● Patron records must have a birth date field, though not necessarily birth data. <br />CATALOGUING WORKFLOWS <br />Subscriber should be prepared to describe acquisition and cataloguing workflows, explaining how records are added, <br />changed and deleted in various cases (e.g., brief records created during the inter-library loan processes, records created <br />during the acquisitions process, records that are suppressed from the online public access catalogue (OPAC), batch <br />processes). BiblioCommons will support cataloguing practice and workflows that are typical among public libraries in North <br />America. <br />Subscriber must notify BiblioCommons in advance when a larger than normal number of records is added, edited, or deleted <br />from their ILS. <br />IF SUBSCRIBER DOES NOT MEET THE REQUIRED CONDITIONS <br />BiblioCommons will show flexibility in the requirements detailed in this Schedule “D” if mutually agreeable alternatives <br />are found. But in the absence of such alternatives and where Subscriber fails to meet materially any of the requirements, <br />Subscriber will a) use its own resources to perform the work necessary to conform to the requirements or to specifications <br />applied by BiblioCommons in libraries of similar size and with the same or similar ILS deployment, or b) hire <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 49D5B7A4-3432-4225-B626-F266F1A79679
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