2024-583-E-Arts Commission-Milbre E. Burch-Storytelling as Civic Engagement
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2024-583-E-Arts Commission-Milbre E. Burch-Storytelling as Civic Engagement
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Last modified
11/19/2024 9:36:33 AM
Creation date
11/19/2024 9:36:26 AM
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Community Impact Returning to Chapel Hill in 2018, I have taken every opportunity to impact <br />community in my adopted home state through storytelling-focused events: By <br />performing for children at the Kidzu Museum, the Chapel Hill Public Library's <br />Star Party, and the International Children's Day Celebration at the Raleigh <br />Museum. And by performing for adults at house concerts in Chapel Hill; at <br />Clapping Hands Farm and the Roadhouse Storytellers series in Pittsboro; in <br />the virtual National W omen's Theatre Festival in Raleigh; at the Old North <br />State Storytelling Festival in Cary; in the virtual Remembrance and Renewal <br />Storytelling Festival at UNC, and at a fundraiser for resettled Afghan <br />refugees in the Triad. <br />Also by guest lecturing in classes for the Folklore Program, the Performance <br />Studies Program and the School of Information and Library Science at UNC, <br />and teaching from the mountains to the sea -- at Storytellers W ildweek in <br />Little Switzerland and the NC Storytelling Guild's W inter W orkshop in Fort <br />Caswell. Finally by conducting a previous OCAC-funded Artist Project, <br />partnering with the UNC W omen's Center, the Crisis Unit of the Chapel Hill <br />Police Department and the Compass Center for W omen and Families, <br />presenting stories/panels online to benefit survivors of domestic violence. <br />Narrative can be used intentionally to divide a “we” into an “us and them.” But <br />it can also be used to bring people together, creating a new “we.” By offering <br />multiple performances of my retrospective show "Myth America" along with <br />community conversations and voter registration drives, I aim to build "we" <br />relationships with community stakeholders, neighborhood organizers and <br />local advocacy groups in Orange County. <br />My first two confirmed venues are the Binkley Church and the Chapel Hill <br />Public Library. The Binkley Fellowship Hall holds 150-200 people, while the <br />Library's Meeting Rooms A and B have a capacity for 84-162, respectively. <br />Between the two, I hope to attract at least 150 participants. <br />After confirming a Jackson Center partnership, I'll reserve the 100-person <br />Hargraves Community Center Auditorium or its 50-60 person Meeting Room <br />for another event. I expect to hold an event in Hillsborough, possibly at the <br />St. Matthews Episcopal Church (seating 160) or the more intimate Eno Arts <br />Mill Gallery. Between those next two settings, I hope to attract another 125 <br />listeners. Potentially, that's 275 people before I confirm my final <br />neighborhood partners, hopefully the Seymour Center and Carrboro's <br />Century Center. <br />W ith six events planned, I expect to serve at least 350 Orange County <br />residents. W ith help from my neighborhood partners to attract their <br />constituencies, I will also draw from my network in the Triangle, the Triad and <br />statewide to expand our audiences. The final numbers will include not only <br />listeners, but also venue hosts/partners, post-show conversation leaders, <br />voting registration volunteers and those who attend so that they can register <br />to vote. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 4F5C001D-1290-48A7-83E3-BEF874E0C5BE
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