Orange County NC Website
Project Goals The PTA Cultural Arts Program at MES aims to enrich students' educational <br />journey by exposing them to diverse forms of artistic expression. This <br />program is crucial as many MES students have limited opportunities to <br />engage in cultural arts outside of school, often due to socioeconomic <br />constraints and family commitments. Students will appreciate and celebrate <br />each other's differences, expand their global awareness, and forge <br />meaningful connections between arts and classroom lessons. <br />1) The goal of the fourth-grade face jugs project is to enable students to <br />create beautiful and practical art while connecting them to the historical <br />realities of slave life. <br />2) Mr. Shabazz's poetry program meets the diverse needs of all fifth-grade <br />students, offering robust interdisciplinary links to arts education, language <br />arts, social studies, and promoting positive behavior. It's goal is to foster <br />ongoing dialogues about race, ethnicity, and culture, both within the <br />classroom and within broader community contexts. <br />3) The schoolwide African drumming assembly and third grade workshop <br />aims to introduce students to the rich heritage of African drumming. This <br />initiative seeks to foster cultural appreciation and understanding among our <br />students through hands-on learning of traditional rhythms and songs. <br />4) The goal of hosting the Carlota Santana Spanish Dance Company's <br />assembly is to immerse our students in the captivating cultural experience <br />of flamenco. Through this initiative, we aim to broaden students' cultural <br />horizons and deepen their understanding of Spanish dance traditions, <br />inspiring a sense of cultural pride and connection within our diverse school <br />community. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 59ACB4ED-D5D7-45C2-B84C-BF8208274E4B