Orange County NC Website
24~ <br />• $2,600 for educational programs for youths living in the Northside, Pine <br />Knolls, or public housing communities including an academic awards <br />program, a mentoring and leadership program for young men, a support <br />program for parents of young children to help them to begin teaching their <br />children to read, and trips to college campuses. Programs would be <br />coordinated with the Town's Police, Housing and Parks and Recreation <br />Departments, and would provide structured activities and emphasize <br />components that will improve academic skills, prevent drug abuse and drug- <br />related crime, leadership development, and career planning. <br />• $5,500 for the Career Explorers Program. This program is designed for high <br />school aged youth who reside in Northside, Pine Knolls, or public housing <br />neighborhoods. Six youths will be placed in work sites in the business <br />community.. Youths would work thirty-six hours per week and spend an <br />additional four hours sharing work experiences, learning financial skills, and <br />participating in career exploration experiences. Funds would be used to <br />supplement funds paid by the local businesses. <br />Anticipated Beneficiaries: 45 youths of households earning less than 80% of the <br />area median income <br />Accomplishments: 45 youths will receive job training skills <br />Anticipated Completion Date: June 30, 200,5 <br />$40,000 <br />Funds would be provided to the Chapel Hill Training Outreach Project /Orange County <br />Family Resource Center to continue to operate acommunity-based after school <br />enrichment program at the South Estes Drive Family Resource Center located in the <br />South Estes Drive public housing community. <br />Anticipated Beneficiaries.• 13 children of households earning less than 80% of <br />the area median income <br />Accomplishments.° Free childcare for 13 children <br />Anticipated Completion Date: June 30, 2005 <br />$15,000 <br />Approximately $13,700 will be awarded to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension to <br />operate aten-week program far thirty overweight youths and their families. The <br />program would focus on nutrition, physical activity, and psycho-social skills to promote a <br />healthier lifestyle. The program would be held at the Chapel Hill -Carrboro YMCA. <br />Recruitment for the program will target residents of public housing, as well as other <br />lower income areas of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Fund would be used to provide <br />scholarships to Chapel Hill residents.. <br />