Orange County NC Website
zt <br />C. Planned Activities <br />TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM <br />JULY 1, 2004 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2005 <br />The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has informed us that the <br />Town of Chapel Hill will receive $711,000 of Community Development funds in fiscal <br />year 2004-2005. <br />Priority: Provide rehabilitation assistance for very low- and low-income <br />homeowners and rental housing serving very low and low-income <br />tenants. <br />Public Housing Activities <br />1. Renovation of Airport Gardens <br />Approximately $150,000 will be budgeted to fund a portion of the renovation of <br />the Airport Gardens public housing community. Funds would be used along with <br />Public Housing Capital Grant funds and previously allocated Community <br />Development funds to renovate the twenty-six-unit community. We also <br />recommend that $15,000 of this amount be used to pay a portion of the Assistant <br />Housing Director's salary for oversight of the renovation project. <br />Proposed renovation work would include the abatement of lead-based paint and <br />asbestos, replacement of water and sewer lines to OWASA standards, <br />installation of new washer and dryer hook-ups, replacement of wall and base <br />cabinets and cotantertops to include new range hoods and sinks, replacement of <br />windows and screens, replacement of interior and exterior doors, replacement of <br />furnaces including air conditioning and water heaters, replacement of floor tiles, <br />replacement of bathtub liners and surrounds, bathroom fixtures, plumbing and <br />electrical upgrades, and interior and exterior painting. Funds will also be used <br />for site improvements including replacement of asphalt driveways and parking <br />lots; planting new shrubs, and replacement of storm drainage systems and <br />retaining walls. Due to the extent of building improvements, the relocation of <br />residents will be required and the work will have to be scheduled in phases. <br />2. Refurbishing Program <br />Additionally approximately 50,000 of Community Development funds will <br />continue the public housing refurbishing program„ This program includes <br />repainting and minor repairs of public housing units. <br />