Orange County NC Website
17 <br />Staff Response: The Review Committee recommends allocating $125,000 to the <br />Chapel Hill Housing Department, <br />The Town has purchased one home on Merritt Mill Road using 2001-2002 HOME <br />Program funds. In addition, the Town is in the process of identifying a second house for <br />the program using $75,000 of 1997 Orange County Affordable Housing Bond funds, <br />$28,117 of 2002-2003 HOME funds, and $32,000 of 2003-2004 HOME funds, <br />2. EmPOWERment, Inc <br />EmPOWERment requests $100,000 for second mortgage assistance for first time <br />homebuyers earning less than 80% of the area median income, EmPOWERment <br />estimates that these funds could assist ten homebuyers, and the funds would be <br />converted into deferred second mortgages to the buyers, <br />Staff Response: The Committee recommends allocating $100,000 for this activity. In <br />2002, the Consortium allocated $100,000 far this activity to be used by any qualified <br />non-profit organization, Though funds have not yet been spent, EmPOWERment has <br />identified properties to utilize a portion of these funds. In addition, in 2003 the <br />Consortium allocated $75,000 to EmPOWERment for a Second Mortgage Assistance <br />Program; funds have not yet been spent. <br />3. EmPOWERment, Inc, <br />EmPOWERment also requests $75,000 to purchase three condominiums in Orange <br />County to use as affordable rental housing for three low-income households earning <br />less than 80% of the area median income, <br />Staff Response: The Committee does not recommend allocating funds for this activity, <br />EmPOWERment has an outstanding allocation from the FY 2001 HOME Program that <br />remains unspent to date. <br />4. Habitat far Humanity <br />Habitat requests $25,000 to extend sewer service to a lot owned by Orange Community <br />Housing and Land Tn~st on Crest Street in Carrboro, Habitat will build a home on the lot <br />once the sewer extension has been completed, The home will be sold to a Habitat <br />homebuyer using the land trust model, and the property will remain affordable for 99 <br />years, <br />Staff Response: The Committee's recommendation includes $25,000 for this project, <br />