Orange County NC Website
15 <br />housing communities. Funds would be provided in the form of scholarships for eligible <br />children. <br />Since 1994, the Town has provided Community Development funds to the YMCA far its <br />After School Program at the Pine Knolls Community Center. In 1999, the YMCA <br />established a similar program for youths living in South Estes Drive public housing <br />community, In the current year, three children from Pine Knolls and fourteen children <br />from South Estes are being served by these programs, The YMCA continues to <br />operate a program that meets the goals and objectives established by the Performance <br />Agreements. <br />3. Orange County Family Resource Centers <br />The Orange County Family Resource Centers requests $15,000 of Community <br />Development funds to continue to operate an after school program at the South Estes <br />Drive public housing community, The Center would provide free after school care for <br />about thirteen children. <br />Town Staff Comment: The plan includes $15,000 for this project. We believe that the <br />provision of after school services is an important activity and supports the Town's efforts <br />in providing services to public housing residents. This would be the second allocation of <br />funds for this agency. To date, the after school program funded by 2003-2004 fiords <br />has met the goals and objectives established by the Town's Pertormance Agreement. <br />4. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Orange County Center <br />NC Cooperative Extension and the Orange on the Move Coalition requests $13,700 to <br />develop a 10-week interdisciplinary program for overweight youth, or those who are at- <br />risk for becoming overweight and their parents. The program would focus on nutrition, <br />physical activity, and psychosocial skills for thirty over weight youth and their adult <br />caregivers, with specific focus on low income and minority youths. <br />Town Staff Comment: The preliminary Community Development plan includes $13,700 <br />far this new project. Community Development funds would be used to support only kids <br />living in Chapel Hill who lived in households earning less than 80% of the area median <br />income, We believe that this program would support the Town's current neighborhood <br />revitalization efforts in the Northside, Pine Knolls, and public housing communities. <br />Funds would be used to provide scholarships to Chapel Hill residents, <br />