Agenda - 05-04-2004-5g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-2004
Agenda - 05-04-2004-5g
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Last modified
9/1/2008 11:45:00 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:41:36 AM
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Agenda Item
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2004 S Housing - Consolidated Housing Plan Annual Update/HOME Program Signed Agreement with Chapel Hill
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
2004 S Housing - Consolidated Housing Plan Annual Update/HOME Program Signed Agreement with Orange Community Housin & Land Trust Inc
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
Minutes - 20040504
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2004
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1 d~ <br />Plan. <br />The following agencies submitted applications for Community /Public Service activities: <br />1. Chapel Hill Police Department <br />The Chapel Hill Police Department requests hands for three programs: <br />• $31,900 to continue the Youth Work Program for youths ages 14-17 living in the <br />Pine Knolls, Northside and public housing communities. During the summer, <br />approximately thirty youths would twenty hours per week in various Town <br />Departments and local non-profit organizations, During the school year, ten of <br />these children would continue to work approximately ten hours per week. Youths <br />would also be required to participate in workshops focusing on financial <br />education, career development, and improving interview skills, <br />• $2,600 for a variety of programs for youths living in Pine Knolls, Northside or <br />public housing communities, Programs would be coordinated with the Town's <br />Housing and Parks and Recreation Departments, and would provide structured <br />activities and emphasize components that will improve academic skills, prevent <br />drub abuse and drug-related crime, leadership development, and career <br />planning. <br />• $5,500 for the Career Explorers Program. This program is designed far high <br />school aged youth who reside in Northside, Pine Knolls, or public housing <br />neighborhoods. Six youths will be placed in work sites in the business <br />community. Youths would work thirty-six hours per week and spend an <br />additional four hours sharing work experiences, learning financial skills, and <br />participating in career exploration experiences. Funds would be used to <br />supplement funds paid by the local businesses, <br />Town Staff Comment: The plan includes $40,000 for these programs. Based on our <br />on-going monitoring reports received, the program met the goals established in the <br />2003-2004 Performance Agreement. Twenty youths participated; both supervisors and <br />youths reported that it was a positive educational experience, In addition, the program <br />supports the Town's current neighborhood revitalization efforts in the Northside, Pine <br />Knolls and public housing communities. <br />2. Chapel Hill -Carrboro YMCA <br />The Chapel Hill -Carrboro YMCA requests $13,000 of Community Development funds <br />to continue operation of After School Programs for children living in the Pine Knolls and <br />South Estes Drive Family communities. <br />Town Staff Comment: The plan includes $13,000 to the YMCA to continue its after <br />school program for youths living in the Pine Knolls and South Estes Drive public <br />
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