Orange County NC Website
13 <br />townhomes from $115,000 to $105,000. Townhomes would be sold to first time <br />homebuyers earning less than 80% of the area median income, In addition, once <br />subsidized, the homes could not be sold to households earning more than 80% of the <br />median income. According to the application submitted by the Land Trust, the <br />townhomes are scheduled to be completed in August 2004. <br />Town Staff Comment: The plan includes $100,000 for this request. Providing funds far <br />second mortgage assistance will assist with increasing affordable housing opportunities <br />in the community, <br />5. Rogers Road Neighborhood <br />Mr, Tom Tucker spoke on behalf of residents in the Rogers Road neighborhood. Mr. <br />Tucker explained that residents were requesting extension of sewer service to Purefoy <br />Road, <br />Town Staff Comment: An application was not submitted for this project, One of the <br />Council's proposed goals is to complete a Small Area Plan for the Rogers Road area in <br />2005, We recommend that this request be reconsidered in future years after more <br />planning has been completed. A combination of Community Development and HOME <br />Program funds may be appropriate. <br />Community /Public Service Requests <br />The use of funds for public service activities is eligible under federal Community <br />Development regulations, Examples of public service activities includes programs <br />concerned with employment, crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, <br />education, fair housing counseling, energy conservation, homebuyer down payment <br />assistance or recreational needs, The amount of Community Development funds used <br />for public services cannot exceed 15% of the Town's Community Development grant <br />($106,650 in 2004-2005), <br />In addition to meeting one of the National Objectives listed above, community or public <br />service activities must provide: <br />(1) a new service; or <br />(2) a quantifiable increase in the level of an existing service than what was <br />provided over the last fiscal year. <br />In the past, the Council has funded public service projects that support other <br />Community Development objectives and activities, especially public housing and <br />Neighborhood Revitalization, Some emphasis has also been placed an jab training for <br />low-income residents, We evaluated the following applications in terms of previous <br />performance and their relationship to other Community Development objectives. In <br />general, we are recommending that some funding be set aside for community services, <br />but that the Council emphasizes housing objectives as contained in the Consolidated <br />